Message from @Samaritan
Discord ID: 621217242356645917
well the internet is a way of coalescing the collective consciousness of humanity and in the age of information and (mostly) democracy that has weight
How does this nigger even check each one daily
who has that kind of subs?
he probably sucks the current mods' cocks till they give him the title
Does he just respond to fucking @s
So many unlawful memes
shit, i just read the business and tech ideas
thats scary that one man
is that invested
in internet points
no idea
people online without social contact are always scary
lol, mananimal strikes again:
they need to get out more
The internet is an amplifier of individualism for sure but also of collectivism it shows the servers population wise
sprinkle in some psuedo authority and im sure it gets even better
r funny
these are the people who would gladly sell their neighbors to the secret police if they were compensated by stupid stickers and a pat on the back
This kind of autistic organising and radicalising would not exist in a world where you could only org with locals
Redditors are so fucking gay
Reddit is fucking gay
Reddit should be deleted
well it extremify things, and thats going to be needed
r/ dankmemes, r/natureisfuckinglit, r/bikinibottomtwitter, r/pewdiepiesubmissions, r/funny, r/OOTL
Reddit is faggot
I have dedicated reddit stalkers who downvote everything I post ever since I made a rape joke once
a professional mod.
And no I don't use reddit anymore
its chaotic, but its still the best shot outside of settling a new colony on a distant planet lol
I got sick of the “doggo good boy” shit on the website
thats a pretty low karma count for someoen his size/notoriety
its just they are so NPC now
its all just
brainless mem ays