Message from @Kealor
Discord ID: 621222157933871104
they dont have debates about Tranism or fag marriage in Hungary anymore
America needs a Rodrigo Duterte
Its just radicals are the autisticlly motivated ones
the GOP wants status quo
You just have to stir that outrage pot if you want it to happen
Guys it’s fine, normie Republicans who’ve been losing since WW2 will fix it all one day
the internet has helped with that though to a degree imo
they will try to 'conserve' well after the point the house is a lost cause
Yeah they will totally not bow down to lobbyist this time around
> imaging thinking repubs have been losing since ww2
Retard level iq
i dont care about republicans, im talking about the culture. but thats just me
they have lost on *all* social issues
Holy fuck IMAGINE being that fucking retarded
Go canvass for the Republicans mate
every single social issue has been a victory for the left
gop has only started 'losing' since the wall fell
Maga nation am I right?
they lost their fire after the damn soviets disappered
I miss reagan
Trump doesn't care about GOP, his voters are not republicans
They haven't been losing since ww2 you have been losing since ww2
Ben Shapiro is on our side goys
You aren't one and the same retard
that man scared the fuck out of EVERYONE everyday
@Samaritan ok libertarian fag
"Guys the free market will save us"
and he scared the fuck out of Gorbi too
If Samaritan is a leftist then yes you’ve been winning
Like I give a absolute fuck what you think of me
ben shapiro annoys me with his fence sitting and moral policing
Everyone I don't like is leftist