Message from @CharlieBigPotatoes

Discord ID: 620250364175843344

2019-09-08 13:29:43 UTC  

And they dont believe in equality in nature

2019-09-08 13:29:54 UTC  

hitler was a liar and a betrayer who signed treaties only to buy time

2019-09-08 13:29:59 UTC  


2019-09-08 13:30:14 UTC  

he murdered a multitude of his own citizens

2019-09-08 13:30:20 UTC  

Did he?

2019-09-08 13:30:33 UTC  

granted, he revoked their citizenship first

2019-09-08 13:30:48 UTC  

i guess if you make it legal its not murder and if you revoke their citizenship they arent citizens

2019-09-08 13:30:57 UTC  

Big Brain Time

2019-09-08 13:30:59 UTC  

he was also a dumb fuck who believe in megical thinking

2019-09-08 13:31:04 UTC  


2019-09-08 13:31:19 UTC  


2019-09-08 13:31:20 UTC  

belief in the Occult is pretty much degeneracy

2019-09-08 13:31:31 UTC  

he thought the german people could overwhelm the world despite their vast numerical inferiority because he thought aryans were magical

2019-09-08 13:31:41 UTC  

>believing post WW2 (((Soviet))) propaganda

2019-09-08 13:31:48 UTC  


2019-09-08 13:31:55 UTC  


2019-09-08 13:32:53 UTC  

The VC has descended into cancerous bollox

2019-09-08 13:32:59 UTC  

i despise the fact that libertarian small government politics which are the hallmark of american conservatism get packaged with shit nazi ideology because of the ignorance of people like y0ou

2019-09-08 13:33:11 UTC  

who repeatedly against all evidence to the contrary claim that nazism is on the right

2019-09-08 13:33:12 UTC  


2019-09-08 13:33:30 UTC  

Nazism is neither on the right or the left m88

2019-09-08 13:33:31 UTC  

nazism is a brand of socialism

2019-09-08 13:33:37 UTC  

Its third position

2019-09-08 13:33:38 UTC  

its authoritarian

2019-09-08 13:33:46 UTC  

its socialist

2019-09-08 13:33:53 UTC  

And nationalist

2019-09-08 13:34:01 UTC  

it punishes and rewards people for what they are rather than what they do

2019-09-08 13:34:05 UTC  

making it fundementally unjust

2019-09-08 13:34:09 UTC  


2019-09-08 13:34:10 UTC  

Not internationalst like communism

2019-09-08 13:34:15 UTC  

its national socialism

2019-09-08 13:34:21 UTC  

communism is international socialism

2019-09-08 13:34:27 UTC  

they are just different brands of the same ideology

2019-09-08 13:34:30 UTC  

"it punishes and rewards people for what they are rather than what they do"


2019-09-08 13:34:42 UTC  

to act like its on the other side of some spectrum is retarded

2019-09-08 13:35:23 UTC  

the degree of seperation between national socialism and international socialism is microscopic compare to the gulf between both of those and actual conservatism

2019-09-08 13:35:36 UTC  

nazism is a new ideology, a materialistic ideology invented in the 20th century

2019-09-08 13:36:00 UTC  

it has absolutely nothing to do with conservatism or traditional values

2019-09-08 13:36:16 UTC  

except for the fact that it attempts to return humans to their natural state of barbarism, slavery, tyranny, and death

2019-09-08 13:38:08 UTC  

anyway this entire dredging up of some long dead rivalry between two brands of socialists im more and more thinking is a fucking red herring

2019-09-08 13:39:01 UTC  

the real danger today isnt nazis or communists, its the fact that technology is moving at a breakneck rate towards brain/machine interfaces, AI, predictive analytics, and absolutely no privacy protections whatsoever