Message from @robert from kinoplex
Discord ID: 649989075339837440
This whole jews narrative and conspiracy is just a bunch of bs in my opinion.
Okay meine niger
They aren't killing people and subverting culture around the world.
take a look at all the people leading the impeachement plot
take a look at their noses
The Elite definitely wants to replace their countrymen with one that will work for pennies and won’t revolt.
(((the elite)))
>When the disabled homeless opiod-addicted veteran asks for spare change but you gave your last 3 bilion to Israel to own the libs
<:trumpepe:588019356215279642> <:trumpepe:588019356215279642> <:trumpepe:588019356215279642>
My friends ma is a jew. And they're not in the vest living standards but they get by. Not rich or anything
It's always hard to differentiate between people who spout this jewstuff as a lark and those that really believe it
I never said all jews
The ashkenazi
the orthodox
those are the ones plotting it
and winning
Jews rule
they have literally created an impenetrable attack/defense strategy trough the holocaust
I'm more concerned about the religion of peace rather than the religion who keeps to themselves
criticising jews or israel makes you an anti-semite
People who push for immigration either want to sound virtuous, have corporate interests (and want cheap labor), or they support it due to their tribal affiliations
No it doesn't.
But holocaust denial does
ok bro maybe it happened
but it wasnt six milion
I really cant quite grasp the whole "Jews are at fault for everything" thing
and there was no plot to exterminate the juden
and even if there was they would be better off dead
Yes. It. Was.
generalizations are for low IQ fags
I'm with Cody
Preach cody
@Crowco Nobody ever said that
Read the Talmud
they literally refer to us as cattle
Anti-semites are often the ones that do say that
The conversation was steering towards the convo about Jews and thought I'd bring it up