Message from @RooHappeh
Discord ID: 649992039815184403
Come one
@ColoursTony To destabilize the west and let the muslim migrants do their dirty work?
That seems counterproductive
And what do they gain from that, when they themself lose those areas?
Yeah idd
If anything jews profit off a stable west
Israel wouldn't survive without the West, and a muslim-majority West would not support Israel or the Jews in any way.
@Crowco yes, but that's a logical argument
Whereas conspiracy theories aren't logical
True enough
Epstein is conspiracy theory
Based Priti Patel already on the case with the stabbing
A nation that cant defend itsself doesnt deserve to be a nation
Why should we protect Israel? What do we gain?
Ok dude, but you don't fucking address his point
'big' dick nick just needs someone other than himself to blame for the fact that je's an incel
"Jews hold the top positions in the West and control the west"
"Jews are destabilising the west"
Pick an option
They can't do both, not without fucking themselves over
@Alexandrina ah nice, we got to the name calling so soon
And you suddenly answer
"we shouldn't defend"
what if I told you I have a girlfriend?
I'm not gonna call you incel, I will call you disingenuous retard
<:pepelaugh:544857300179877898> <:pepegun:588019479401726001> <:pepesurrender:588020553873358858>
Is that what you kids call pornhub these days?
Do you even see how little logical thought
epic roasted
You've put in your theory
Take those facts antisemtard
is that her?
What facts?
I thinm your girlfriend is a conspiracy theory.
If anything , The Christian world of more excepting. But because a lot of Christians are white it's a bad religion. But when Islam is teaching to kill fats and disassociate from non Muslims and actively trying to erode a lot of the cultures around the world . At least christanity had a system where they combine combine the native culture with its own. Like the Irish and the tale of beuwulf . Along holidays such as Christmas and Easter. Which are a combination of pith pagan culture and christan. Islam only destroys and homogenize culture into their own.