Message from @Кики

Discord ID: 474208789399339019

2018-08-01 13:14:27 UTC  


2018-08-01 13:14:29 UTC  

Престаните да купујете било који производ са словима. Фокусирајте се на биљке, поврће, семенке, воће, воду.
Не купујте производе са словима. Не једите слова. Одмах. Месо исто. Месо је забрањено воће. Тако је Бог рекао. Жртве живота човек не једе, већ само плодове. Ниуком сценарију не јести месо осим ако ти сам Бог не нареди. Људи ће касније сведочити дал је твоја прича и деловање божије или није. Бог је уз све нас. Део свих нас. Он нас је створио. Три ствари знајте добро. Не убиј, не лажи, и бог је увек уз тебе. У сваком тренутку сведочи исто што и ти видиш.

2018-08-01 13:14:34 UTC  


2018-08-01 13:14:42 UTC  

Не толерише се лоше понашање. Није крив Отац, Није крива Мајка, нити син, нити ћерка. Крив је грех. То лоше понашање које су и они сведочили. Стварности у којој су они живели где је политика зла илити грешника преовладала. Грешници - људи који они не желе признају своју несвесно понашање, бахато, вулгарно, лоше, зло.

2018-08-01 13:14:46 UTC  


2018-08-01 13:14:57 UTC  

Већ вас терају или терате да гласате. Уместо да сви изаберу професију и да раде из љубави. Људи треба да буду захвални за живот, и за то што могу да буду оно што пожеле да раде у животу. Захвалите богу на то. Не људи нису настали од амебе, или крокодила. Жаба је жаба. Коњ је коњ. Човек је човек. Мајмун је Мајмун. Амеба је амеба.
Све би било бесплатно у божијем систему ако кренете да поштујете његове законе. Рад првенствено би био бесплатан. Људи раде из љубави, као и животиња. У знак захвалности. Али да се не злоупотребљава. Јер ово нису моје речи или наредбе, ово је оно што вам је бог већ саоптштио. Сви његова правила знају, и он пошто је увек уз Вас, све зна и све сведочи. Свако зло и исто као и ти покушава из љубави да то и поправи. И сви то знате.

2018-08-01 13:15:01 UTC  


2018-08-01 13:15:11 UTC  

Добро прочитајте. Све креће од његових правила, он све види. Кроз вас. Не убиј. Не лажи. Не једи месо. То је забрањено воће. Не једи слова. Ниси неписмен - за природу.

2018-08-01 13:15:16 UTC  


2018-08-01 13:15:25 UTC  

Ако не знаш - питај. Зато је битно не лажи. Не убиј и не једи жртве живота већ само плодове. И ради из љубави. Верујте ми људи политика божија је најбоља. Немојте гласати. Све треба да вам буде бесплатно илити омогућено. Да неки демони ће покушати да злоупотребе божији систем. Међутим њих ће бог казнити и на овом свету. Њих ће народ знати да разликује управо по томе да ли поштују божије законе или не.

2018-08-01 13:15:28 UTC  


2018-08-01 13:15:36 UTC  

Сви ово све знате. Ја сам морао да се вратим на божији пут и то својим избором, а свако ово све зна и може да почне да живи као ја. ДА треба да се ради нешто у животу да не будеш лењ - људи ће сведочити дал је твој рад племенит за Земљу или није. Постаните свеснији.

2018-08-01 13:18:20 UTC  


Ok - translation.

2018-08-01 13:22:02 UTC  

Stop eating letters. You're not uneducated to eat letters. Stop eating meat yesterday or any animal. Milk yes, you can drink milk. Milk like urine or like poo can be only contribution, but do not abuse this or enslave the animal, no. You can take care of the animal and god, and people will be witnessing are you treating that animal nice or not. You will read on my facebook posts ( that I am illiterate ) that animal acctually likes to be in surroundings of good man, to work with him. Animal likes to help good man.

2018-08-01 13:22:06 UTC  


2018-08-01 13:27:00 UTC  

Stop buying any product with letters ( for eating , consuming ). Focus on plants, vegetables, fruits, seeds, water.
Dont buy products with letters. Don't Eat letters. From today. Meat too. Meat is forbidden fruit. God said so. Man does not eat sacrefices of life, but fruits only. Not in any scenario are you allowed to eat meat unless god tells you this himself. People will later witness is your story and doing work of god or not. God is within us all. God is with everyone. He made us. Three things know good. Don't kill, don't Lie, and god is always with you. In every moment he is witnessing same things as you see them.

2018-08-01 13:27:03 UTC  


2018-08-01 13:30:02 UTC  

Bad behavior is not tolerated. It's not fathers fault. it's not mothers fault, nor sons, nor daughters. They are all inocennt. Sin is the guilty party. You have to recognize/admit your sin. Sin is bad behavior which they witnessed. Reality in which humans lived where politics of evil or sinners rulled over us. Sinners - people who don't want to admitt their guilt, their unconcioius behavior, brutal, vulgar, bad, evil.

2018-08-01 13:30:06 UTC  


2018-08-01 13:36:21 UTC  

But they are forcing you or you are forcing yourself to vote. Instead of every living being to choose proffession and to work from love. People should be greatful for life, for this opportunity to be whatever they want to do in life. Thank god for that. No , people didn't come out of Ameba, or from corcodile. Frog is frog. Horse is horse. Man is man. Monkey is monkey. Ameba is ameba.
Everything should be free in god's system if you respcet his laws. Work firstly should be free. People work from love, like animal. In sign of appreciation. But not to be abused. Cause these aren't my words or orders, but this is what God told you already. Everyone knows his rules, and since he is always with you, he testifies everything. Every evil and same like you, he is trying to repair out of love, and you all know it.

2018-08-01 13:36:25 UTC  


2018-08-01 13:37:22 UTC  

Read good. Everything starts from his rules. From you. Through you. Do not kill. Do not lie. Do not eat meat. This is forbidden fruit. Don't eat letters. You're not uneducated - for nature.

2018-08-01 13:37:25 UTC  


2018-08-01 13:39:48 UTC  

If you don't know - ask. This is why "Don't Lie" is important. Do not kill and do not eat sacrefices of life but fruits only. And work from love. Trust me people god's politics is the best. Do not vote. Everything should be free or available. Yes, some demons will try to abuse god's system. But they will be punished by god on This world. People will know to make a difference only by : Are you respecting god's laws or not.

2018-08-01 13:39:52 UTC  


2018-08-01 13:41:12 UTC  

All of you know this already. I had to come back on god's path by my own choice, and everyone can do the same like me. YES you should work something in your life - not to be lazy. People will testify is your work noble or not. Noble for earth and are you obeying god's laws. Become aware.

2018-08-01 13:41:16 UTC  

The end.

2018-08-01 13:57:16 UTC  

I wouldn't be here If I didn't talk to god himself.

2018-08-01 13:57:53 UTC  

But to be honest like on pigeons, I never was interested to find out or to check his sex. Altho he appears to be a man.

2018-08-01 13:59:35 UTC  

This is god's plan : To unite everyone in quarrel over god, to define sins, to define sinners. to make sure everyone is respecting his laws, and he will create new alphabet.

2018-08-01 13:59:50 UTC  

One that wasn't desacretad with sins and bad meanings.

2018-08-01 13:59:58 UTC  

Ones who believe in god will understand.

2018-08-01 14:01:36 UTC  

But because he choose me for his lazy son I am obligated to tell you this, and not to be lazy.

2018-08-01 14:02:09 UTC  

He can choose anyone for his son or daughter. If you have his goal in your heart.

2018-08-01 14:02:29 UTC  

If you obey and know his laws. If your ending path is his goal. He will come to enlighten you.

2018-08-01 14:02:52 UTC  

Know and obey his laws good. I just told you abobe all his laws in coherent type of writing.

2018-08-01 14:03:50 UTC  

People who believe will know god is alive.

2018-08-01 14:03:54 UTC  

God never died.

2018-08-01 14:04:13 UTC  

He can act thru anyone who shares his common goal.

2018-08-01 14:05:21 UTC  

Just read me good.

2018-08-01 14:13:06 UTC  

I wrote you people before the truth. I wrote you they want to start 3rd world war. I wrote to trump about Politics of Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton years ago. I have a voice on this planet. To influence anyone. I am screaming for help. I left you paragraphs. Not just here. Everywhere.