Message from @Tedium
Discord ID: 341459290961346560
But you know
Oh I know.
She's out there, brother.
You're a good man.
I'm alright. Thomas doesn't like me.
He called me a mamzer. And then he stole a torch from some poor lesser known group
What in the fuck is a mamzer?
Google it
It's very rude
On it.
Rude AND hurtful.
How was the movie anyway?
It was pretty good. I would have enjoyed it more from the German point of view.
But lots of tension and anxiety. Not like a typical war movie of constant in your face action.
This was more like "fuck. What next?"
Yeah, I'd say it's worth a watch.
@stormbjornn took me to this movie theatre that has like leather seats with an electric recliner. I kept accidentally hitting the button and annoying the shit out of her.
Hol up, stormbjornn is a girl?
That's what WD means.
Sorry, I haven't been paying any attention lately lol
It's too late at night, I need to go to sleep
Women's Division
She makes cookies, too.
Swazi snickerdoodles to be exact
They're amazing. Also makes a good stir fry.
I'm making chicken piccatta tomorrow night if y'all wanna join. Stipulation is you gotta drive to Colorado.
But I want to eat that!
Once @Chris TX and I have a house, we'll do a housewarming party and I'll cook a bunch of shit. Buffet style, do fashy things, whatever. Plus swastikookies.
Don't let the Antifa win, or this is our fate.
Hungarians are pretty based