Message from @Marushia Dark

Discord ID: 646157715403440139

2019-11-19 01:13:35 UTC  

It's another example of you can't criminalize being a dick. It's unconstitutional

2019-11-19 01:14:09 UTC  

> It's another example of you can't criminalize being a dick. It's unconstitutional

But the Dems sure will try

2019-11-19 01:14:30 UTC  

They will, I won't condone it

2019-11-19 01:15:11 UTC  

@Marushia Dark it's not even dems it's our own "Republicans" pushing this like Dan Crenshaw

2019-11-19 01:15:29 UTC  

I meant regarding Trump specifically

2019-11-19 01:15:41 UTC  

This is a problem with most federal programs. Of course the funding on this act is a few million and given staffing costs no where near these other problems. And again it has no power nor mandate to restrict the 2nd.

2019-11-19 01:16:04 UTC  

It's them trying to reach a hand across an aisle they don't realize is too far away to compromise with

2019-11-19 01:16:31 UTC  

Almost as though you want to go after Crenshaw for one reason yet choose another.....

2019-11-19 01:16:52 UTC  

I get the feeling that Congress will be mostly lame duck until after the election

2019-11-19 01:17:03 UTC  


2019-11-19 01:17:08 UTC  


2019-11-19 01:17:23 UTC  

My hope for 2020 is to crush them there too.

2019-11-19 01:17:38 UTC  

On the plus side, huge win for Trump in passing healthcare transparency rules

2019-11-19 01:18:14 UTC  

I would respect a DNC honorable opposition but they have to quit their socialist goals before that can happen.

2019-11-19 01:18:30 UTC  

Tulsi 2024

2019-11-19 01:18:40 UTC  

Fuck no.

2019-11-19 01:19:03 UTC  

She's the least awful among them

2019-11-19 01:19:04 UTC  

I can get a MILF on OKC I do not need to ellect one.

2019-11-19 01:19:26 UTC  

I'm not voting dem

2019-11-19 01:19:29 UTC  

I'd vote Crenshaw before Tulsi, she's not a bad person. But still too left, Crenshaw is allot closer to the middle

2019-11-19 01:20:04 UTC  

Tulsi or Yang would be the only Dems I'd vote for atm, but neither are viable

2019-11-19 01:20:12 UTC  


2019-11-19 01:21:00 UTC  

Here's an idea. What about a Gabbard-Crenshaw ticket? They like each other well enough, it'd be the best of both worlds

2019-11-19 01:21:16 UTC  

They're the best options they have. And they have decided to ignore them. If they don't want help then they deserve the results

2019-11-19 01:21:21 UTC  

She'd temper his hawkishness and he'd temper her leftist economics

2019-11-19 01:21:41 UTC  

Yang is trash. I could see Pence 2024 he is a competent administrator. Look at his budget as governor.

2019-11-19 01:21:54 UTC  

That could work

2019-11-19 01:22:00 UTC  

The DNC is corrupt as fuck and right now as it stands we are aligned with Trump in the Republican party of today and before that too becomes more corrupt than it already is we gotta get real movement going questioning with our voices and wallets about what people like LwC, Ben Shapiro and all the fake conservatives in Congress and the media who are shills.

2019-11-19 01:23:01 UTC  

I don't like Yang's tax plans or M4A generally, but apart from that, he's got many solid, forward-thinking policies. He's made the rounds among economic conservatives like Shapiro who've grilled him on the details of UBI and managed to hold his own. I think he understands our concerns about welfare at least in that regard.

2019-11-19 01:23:55 UTC  

Ultimately, he'd be a better advisor, though

2019-11-19 01:23:56 UTC  

True look I don't want the DNC to *lose* I want them to *lose humiliatingly*. Most sensible people wanted them to see 2016 as a wake up call. Instead they doubled down. If they face ultimate defeat it means they may have to change. Even if it means they become the party of NeoLibs it is an improvement.

2019-11-19 01:24:28 UTC  

They need someone like a Kanye to come in and reform the whole thing

2019-11-19 01:25:22 UTC  

Pretty much all the potentially decent Dem candidates should spend sometime in an advisory position to get some more experience before they consider a run at the big seat

2019-11-19 01:26:01 UTC  

Specifically under a republican

2019-11-19 01:26:05 UTC  

If JFK was resurrected tomorrow and put on the ticket I would vote for him. A committed anti-communist who lowered taxes and supported civil rights. As things stand the current DNC would call him a libertarian radical.

2019-11-19 01:26:32 UTC  

People fight me on this all the time, arguing the reverse in siding with Pelosi to take out the Squad, but I actually prefer aligning with the SJWs to beat the neolibs than the other way around. Mainly cuz I used to be an SJW, I know how they think and that they can be persuaded - even if we generally suck at doing so; whereas a crooked money-grubber ain't giving that up.

2019-11-19 01:27:28 UTC  

Neolibs are already in the conservative movement.

2019-11-19 01:27:37 UTC  

Neolibs and neocons

2019-11-19 01:29:16 UTC  

I'm going to vote trump right? But the Republican party has rhinos (neocons) and neolibs in it that are corrupting it socially and its impacting the country as a whole

2019-11-19 01:30:38 UTC  

If Trump didn't run in 2016, my first choice was Rand, second Cruz

2019-11-19 01:31:17 UTC  

We desperately need Congressional term limits and an act that says "One bill, one issue, one vote" instead of endless riders and amendments