Message from @PineŦree

Discord ID: 552036502675259424

2019-03-04 07:31:03 UTC  

@Deleted User wanna talk about anyting

2019-03-04 07:34:23 UTC  

I guess.

2019-03-04 07:34:25 UTC  

Comment section

2019-03-04 07:35:15 UTC  

Any topic you want to discuss ?

2019-03-04 07:36:11 UTC  

Birth control runoff in the water supply leading to gender bending fish and estrogen in the human water supply on top of microplastics in the water.

2019-03-04 07:36:32 UTC  


2019-03-04 07:37:16 UTC  

@hamburgersareyummy1 just the comment section in general or a specific comment

2019-03-04 07:38:07 UTC

2019-03-04 07:39:51 UTC  

@Deleted User I was almost so happy

2019-03-04 07:40:15 UTC  

I thought you linked some article about birth control runofff 😦

2019-03-04 07:40:59 UTC  

Oh, no. I downloaded a ton of books and for whatever reason this was in the middle of the books I downloaded. Meaning I stopped downloading books for a minute, downloaded this paper, and then went back to downloading books.

2019-03-04 07:41:46 UTC  

still i woulda loved to see some crazy alex jones turning the frogs gay article

2019-03-04 07:46:19 UTC  

lol Kaitlin Bennett is kinda scary

2019-03-04 07:51:02 UTC  

is it just me or is her face just a little murdery

2019-03-04 07:52:24 UTC

2019-03-04 07:54:23 UTC  

Just sharing links for jlp fans

2019-03-04 07:54:43 UTC  


2019-03-04 07:54:48 UTC  

The comment section is unique because it was clearly chosen to be raided

2019-03-04 07:55:58 UTC  

idk about that

2019-03-04 07:56:16 UTC  

imo they were both just awful in their arguments

2019-03-04 07:57:06 UTC  

Im just trying to get people to go and show support. I think debate is stupid.

2019-03-04 07:57:34 UTC  

How so?

2019-03-04 07:58:32 UTC  

to the debate is stupid thing

2019-03-04 07:58:44 UTC  
2019-03-04 07:59:33 UTC  

@Deleted User What books are you downloading that you are getting these articles?

2019-03-04 07:59:59 UTC  

Woke books.

2019-03-04 08:00:02 UTC  

I mean how do you debate good vs evil if children of the lie just lie

2019-03-04 08:00:19 UTC  

The time for debate is over.

2019-03-04 08:00:25 UTC  


2019-03-04 08:00:45 UTC  

I think its impossible to get things done without debate/discussions

2019-03-04 08:01:04 UTC  

I mean ppl can make up fake facts and statistics

2019-03-04 08:01:20 UTC  

Whoever is smartest wins, not whoever is right

2019-03-04 08:01:58 UTC  

Yeah thats mostly correct

2019-03-04 08:02:05 UTC  

People don't respond to well-researched arguments, they respond to emotion.

2019-03-04 08:02:29 UTC  

Thats why i typically debate morals and ethical issues cause you cant appeal to stats

2019-03-04 08:02:34 UTC  

The video Kaitlyn posted just had a raid. Her other vids didn't have that. But youtube works with children of the lie

2019-03-04 08:02:58 UTC  

As long as you have a Democracy where the average person is given the ability to decide the priority of the country, it will turn out like this.

2019-03-04 08:03:06 UTC  

You can't trust anything on a screen the libs own it all

2019-03-04 08:03:48 UTC  

The very poor and very rich work together to target the middle class