Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 552388849406574603
Also the Legal Systems tries to quantify what right and wrong is on a daily basis and it’s not easy to do.
I'd just add moral ambiguity to that as well
...and that man's name: Albert Einstein
too much soy, I can't even
Oof wrong channel 😂
Anyone know anything about EKGs tho
I do a little bit.
Happy to be here!
that shit sucks @Deleted User
not really
suicidal people get themselves shot by police all the time
what really sucks is all the rioting and protesting over this case.
someone got shot and some police officers had to kill someone
that sucks imo
it wasnt suicide by police tho
wasnt it just stupid person approaches cop, cops shoot, happens to be black, protests?
i honestly dont follow current news stories because they always have a false bias
stupid person commits crimes, gets cops called on him, cops arrive, he runs, and then he gives indications he might be armed... leading to cops shooting him and protests.
hint: if a cop screams "gun!" that's to alert the other officers nearby that the suspect has a gun and the cops are trained to try to fire as soon as they see a gun.
another hint: don't resist arrest and be armed at the same time. sure, try to resist arrest or run, but don't also be armed or give off the impression you are. put the fucking cellphone away.
What I mean is that "trained to try to fire as soon as they see a gun" is not a rule, since otherwise legal gun owners would be victimised by cops at a rate higher than the current of less than 1%.
It's just if you have a gun and give cops reason to believe you are going to draw it out of a holster and use it, they will shoot you.
I’m still wonder why in America we are defending criminals anymore. He had a Felony warrant for his arrest. I’d actually like to see the Media report every time a white man is killed by police. White men get shot and killed by police at the same rate and are slightly higher then black men.
Jesse needs to read more about how much damage Israel has done to the USA
@Officer_Caleb I disagree with numbers that I've seen it's black people get shot by cops more per capita than white people but the majority killed by cops are white
@Deleted User I wasn't trying to defend the criminal he is like 90% in the wrong. I am just saying I don't think it was a suicide by police, because people actually do that
@PineŦree And 6.5% of our population commit over half of all violent crime, you know that right?
it is ten times more likely a black person will kill a white person than vice versa
From what I've seen and this is what I'm arguing @Col. Jack O'Neill SG-1 black people are killed by police at a rate of 7.something percent, where white people are killed at 2.something percent per million
I also disagree that BLM is protesting racist killings
(the media gets the benefits and views by using whites killings blacks)