Message from @Win Roe
Discord ID: 645484394605314093
anyone remember when the media did a poe and actually reported this?
"Curing Childhood"'
why quote those words?
that little cunt
she needs to be deported
Via catapult
wait she's fined and that's it?
she's on camera admitting to violence and intimidation
and even attacking people
she's a woman
and a poc
she's above the law
because she's oppressed
she has a feminist lawyer that's connected to a politician
I don't name names unless public
a... private... Politian?
well it's public information, but saying the names gets people banned
it's new law
and from where
no it's not the law, it's new law
which means it's not really law but it's enforced
what do you mean where
IRL social media discord where?
think you're just paranoid
so what's that whistleblowers name again?
hey @Win Roe how's the research coming along?
It's going to take a while, I need to look more into basically everything
right now looking into other archives of other hateful ideologues, I'll try to find a pattern, then look into news articles and such to find any addition info and more patterns which could lead to something, hopefully