Message from @Hylia

Discord ID: 628440958551326720

2019-10-01 03:53:06 UTC  

Well I mean. Who notices the Swedes anyway?

2019-10-01 03:53:07 UTC  

Greta is awesome. I mean, she is a child, and doesn't have the same resources as a politician, so she should be viewed through a different lens than politicians. Greta Thornberry is dedicated and earnest af.

2019-10-01 03:53:31 UTC  

ok I said thornberry as a meme, its thrunberg or something

2019-10-01 03:54:18 UTC  

She frickin' sailed across the ocean to get from Sweden to America for that UN summit. No worries; I can't remember her last name, either, as you can see XD

2019-10-01 03:54:34 UTC  

okay? so did the child actress that helped get us into Iraq

2019-10-01 03:54:56 UTC  

I'm just saying, she's a dedicated kid.

2019-10-01 03:55:01 UTC  

It's impressive.

2019-10-01 03:55:18 UTC  

I couldn't and wouldn't do anything like that _now._

2019-10-01 03:55:28 UTC  

Climate Activism is a privileged brat on a yacht. I cannot disagree with that symbolism.

2019-10-01 03:55:57 UTC  

And I'm, like, six years older than her? Greta's about 12, right?

2019-10-01 03:56:07 UTC  


2019-10-01 03:56:07 UTC  

Jym, just stop.

2019-10-01 03:56:10 UTC  


2019-10-01 03:56:18 UTC  

So I'm two years older than her.

2019-10-01 03:56:25 UTC  

Still. It's impressive.

2019-10-01 03:56:32 UTC  

I think they have found the perfect symbol that completely represents everything they have done and will do.

2019-10-01 03:57:35 UTC  

An immaculate avatar of the movement.

2019-10-01 03:58:47 UTC  

Children can be manipulated to push anything though.

2019-10-01 03:59:15 UTC  

Little boy in Aleppo ambulance photo was a child actor

2019-10-01 03:59:51 UTC  

little girl and mom talking horseshit about saddam soldiers killing babies in kuwait were actresses

2019-10-01 04:00:00 UTC  

And she isn't entirely wrong about things, either. The world is slowly dying due to the actions of older generations that will never live to see the fallout, efforts to slow, stop, and reverse climate change are being actively sabotaged by the same generation, and previous generations have the audacity to look to _us_ for hope? You have sewn the seeds for our demise, and you dare to expect _us_ to be your salvation? It _is_ insulting. It _is_ wrong. It _is_ shameful.

2019-10-01 04:00:31 UTC  

Sure but as an avatar of the Green movement she is perfect. A mentally disabled child lambasting elites who pray for that abuse? It is everything the movement has ever meant. Beautiful.

2019-10-01 04:02:39 UTC  

another mom and daughter pair were literally fed script cards in english to read still pertaining to syria

2019-10-01 04:03:15 UTC  

or, the child was, the mom didn't talk as much iirc

2019-10-01 04:03:27 UTC  

Oh yeah Greta is on a script too. There's video of someone asking her a question not on the teleprompter.

2019-10-01 04:03:46 UTC  

I can confirm that it is absolutely infuriating to see people deny reality, look down upon _anyone_ who speaks out, to see people protecting our futures painted as fucking _Stalinists,_ and to then be told that it's _my_ generation's responsibility to save this planet.

2019-10-01 04:04:05 UTC  

I'm calling bullshit, Jym.

2019-10-01 04:04:34 UTC  

Well you are an angry child. Children call out all the time.

2019-10-01 04:06:57 UTC  

there are still a few dullards who claim 'clean energy' is a direct synonym for 'destroy the capitalist economy', but then you remind them nuclear exists and they walk away sheepishly

2019-10-01 04:07:44 UTC  

haven't seen them on this server but they're around

2019-10-01 04:07:49 UTC  

Nuclear exists but it is only a portion of the global energy paradigm.

2019-10-01 04:08:33 UTC  

yeah but speaking about the US

2019-10-01 04:08:57 UTC  

I am making a far better case than you. You seek to dismiss or discredit those who oppose you, rather than making any actual arguments against their points. You misdirect, lie, deceive, and mischaracterize. If I am angry, it is because I have a _right_ to be angry. Or is that a luxury allowed only to Conservatives?

2019-10-01 04:08:59 UTC  

Gas has 1/2 the emissions of coal (you know what powers most of Asia which is where CO2 emissions are growing)

2019-10-01 04:09:14 UTC  

People like you make me sick, Jym.

2019-10-01 04:09:35 UTC  

Les than half if you use combined cycle generators.

2019-10-01 04:10:03 UTC  

Be sick then. I am not responsible for your emotional instability.

2019-10-01 04:10:31 UTC  

because both sides of the conversation have magically made the conversation whether the US alone should or shouldn't do something. like, seriously, it began as 'all countries should contribute", then out of nowhere some dipshit tried to claim "they want america to shoulder the entire burden", and before anyone could correct them, and even bigger dipshit came along and said "hey, that's not a bad idea."

2019-10-01 04:11:08 UTC  

You have a right to be angry just as you have a right to be wrong. I trust you will exercise both.

2019-10-01 04:12:37 UTC  

All countries SHOULD contribute, Joker. People in the US are just seeking to do what they can to lessen the burden however they can. For US citizens, that is working to make the US do more to help fight climate change.

2019-10-01 04:12:40 UTC  
