Message from @Riefen
Discord ID: 327205389353353226
Blacc will stick out in Florida lol
Are you all planning an assault ?
Like what's going on are we starting the war ?
So many questions just a sec no assault or anything I just like having gear better to have and not need it than to not have it if shit hits the fan at some point 15 miles south of me is a negro and fag city if a riot broke out I'd be ready to defend my home in my own opinion I think shits heading that way I got a M-40 woodland would probably work but I am in the city and yea those plate carriers shouldn't be that cheap to be quality hell if the niggers are armoring up and training like that post from earlier maybe we should be to just in case
Yeah, anything you need man
Yea hopefully I didn't scare you guys off lol I just believe in being prepared for anything
Greetings from Georgia.
Welcome @Joe Rebel-GA
Welcome to the family
Welcome! @Joe Rebel-GA
First three to greet you here were Texans lol
First three
Yeah, I mistyped
What part of Georgia @Joe Rebel-GA
So it is true. Texans really can't count to three
One! Two! Five! (Three, sir) Three!
Or Disgusta as people call it lol
The fashy fiancée says hey again.
correct 😂
Be careful posting pics of yourself or family.
On here ? Or in general ?
I don't have social media for a reason.
She's a cutie
Saw this today
Any other members from Georgia?
We have like 4 others
whos ready for some traning manual PDFS?
Cause the Alexandria project might need them
putting together the finishing touches got just about everything we will ever need to know
dont know about the project but on the record its all for educational purp only
I tell u about in dms
Okay, i think the navy seal fitness guide would be good for some of us also who are intrested in that