Message from @AGingerMonster
Discord ID: 542725561210896386
well since there's a shilling channel.. I dont feel so bad about shamelessly shilling <3
What's this whole thing about banning tickling?
russell brands latest thing
Oh god. I just found something I made years ago now.
Also, if anyone looks to commission art, good friend of mine I commissioned my p&p character art from
It was a bad photoshop that I made for a homebrewed weapon for Black Crusade.
I will harder than everyone, complete with boomer audio
John, are you okay?
I'm fine
Bot keeps censoring you.
Yeah I don't know why
I just said it was nice art
You can't ping strats or e celebs down in the public channels... some ppl think its fun to join the server and just start pinging for attention like crazy
Ah kk
Makes sense now
first day this server started i had probably like 50 pings an hour.. a
I can only imagine how many likes of sargon or veeh had
this is still a public channel
so... what counts as a public VS private channel?
im guessing its channels you need to pay to access?
That's a high quality pic @Smirk Supreme
mod channels, some of the higher tier patreon ones, ones for the public figures, anywhere there isn't 14k people really who might make the server unusable by pinging to tell sargon they'd just taken a wee
i refer to those as low effort productions
Current political map (Still a W.I.P) for an alternate history setting me and some friends are making. It's the same one my earlier Pan-Arab flag was designed for but the United Arab Kingdom was eventually dropped and replaced with Rashidi Arabia.
unfortunately its an issue of quantity, a few people pinging isnt an issue, 1000s doing it and it quickly makes u wanna just mute the place and never open it again
well that makes sense
its a shame really. I would love to be able to just *see* the higher chats, even if I couldent post in them
why is that not a thing btw?
they're no where near as interesting as u might think, similar in topics to the lower ones just less activity
fair enough
its just the FOMO effect I guess
Oh I almost forgot, I am working on a life size replica of the Liberty Launcher. It will be 42 inches [1066.8 mm] long
The liberty launcher is from Team Fortress 2. It will be a prop
Could be used for cosplay, but that wasn't really my goal with it