Message from @cringeson
Discord ID: 580723249063657484
Go 049 you know the cure.
I require criticism
wait does any art count here?
A place to share your art/videos/music/etc and discuss with others. Memes and off topic conversations will be removed from this channel
oh, sorry
feel free to remove them
photography is art ur good
i was just asking cuz i want some critique on a project later today
That photo has been going around a lot. I'd be surprised if Tau was the photographer.
This is for stuff you personally created. Not sharing stuff you found.
ah ok
Purpose is for people to show off their creations and get some feedback
I posted art and was completely ignored because of some guy with kekistan flags
that's just the internet my guy
I shall do a repost then
overall good, but there seems to be too much happening at once
maybe playing with the saund levels of some of the effects to balance all the noise would do some good to improve it
still though, well done
ill post some of my art soon if i have time
what noise do you mean exactly?
you mean the tardis takeoff sound at the beginning?
that weird *lulululululu* sound
i can only describe it as "sparkles"
Oh that?
Thats a part of the music
Cant do anything about that
you cant turn it down a tad or anything?