Message from @Graham
Discord ID: 326876939237457920
One more sorry for the spam
Kike Media Machine 🅱roke
Just caught that video of the cop unloading on that spook today in his car apparently that made the news though top headline
White pill for you guys. It might seem like our numbers are few, but there are always more out there that believe they're alone, that they're crazy for their views, or that they should feel ashamed for their views. That feeling of isolation can be our greatest stumbling block, and we can't ever let it overwhelm us.
To quote Lawrence of Arabia:
"Rebellions can be made by 2 percent active in a striking force, and 98 percent passively sympathetic."
Ban Albert
JFC. Ban him? Gas him
Never trust a Yankee
VB's manifesto is finalized
Welcome our newest southern member @Cody88 - FL
Welcome @Cody88 - FL
Are armbands still a thing soonTM or are we just using the folded in half facemask idea?
Thanks for welcoming me into your ranks brothers
posted up at my school
I hope u did more than three
literally only printed our 4
was going to print out more but my printer ran out of ink
Better than nothing
Printer ink is pretty kiked tbh
I used to work in an electronics store and I swear we made as much from selling printer ink as we did from selling TVs
Yeah it's kike
Suggest using resources like library printers and things. Colleges wont notice most of the time
Tbh I've been printing out the ones that aren't obviously NSFW (Muslim Free America for example is NSFW) at work
Thursday night I am going w/ some brothers to play some poker (w/o gambling) and then going to post some more at a college
what are some really good ass posters to do
Ijust picked out my fav
My favorite is the Right to Exist one. Powerful
Look at your demographics. Lots of Spanish, do anti-illegal posters in white neighborhoods.
If you're near a Civil War battlefield, the heritage ones are powerful.
Right to Exist is solid and always applicable.
Somebody mentioned dropping in residential areas posters depicting black on white crime that wasn't reported by news media
I have the luxury of living in a white enclave, but the racial fault line is not 10 miles from here