Message from @Goodwood of Dank™
Discord ID: 631599662238924800
Here they come...
You can kind of see the progression for yourself if you've got any experience in Photoshop under your belt, but I'd be happy to explain anything. Now for the second set, which is a little less self-explanatory...
Obviously the second version of the "final product" is a result of having to check sources against one's own bone-headedness.
This lot was done close to fifteen years ago, and frankly I'd have to re-learn a few techniques were I to try to reproduce the template. Here's a couple more I had fun with; I'm sure you can tell which was the better end product.
@excursion12 (redha, richtginger) Have a look.
@Goodwood of Dank™ deleted all the Luftwaffe planes that had swastikas on them. Discord staff is retarded and it's better to be safe than sorry. They were cool though
Context doesn't matter in current year, you know how it be
Better delete the first one, then. There is a swastika, it's just white on light blue.
You filthy dogwhistler
These are really cool though
They were made in '05.
Really? Damn
Yeah. No 3D modelling involved.
Shit's solid man <:maulerYes:339485499066679316>
Basically, give me a decently-detailed line drawing, and I can give you a nice profile.
I got heavily inspired by the Huns and there head sculpting and I tried to make him have wild and savage like look to him as well
We all love blizzard, don’t we?
China, not so much anymore
Thinking that maybe they're kinda cool way back then is as far as I ever went.
Have they recently even made something that's not worthless?
D3 is shit, heartstone is worthless cashgrab, 40k ripoff is... not _awful_ I guess, but also brings nothing new