Message from @trizzz

Discord ID: 631426898651643912

2019-10-09 08:50:36 UTC  

Join us

2019-10-09 08:50:59 UTC  

they are so close to getting it

2019-10-09 08:51:16 UTC  

but they are just retards

2019-10-09 08:51:41 UTC  

I mean they're passionate about their cause

2019-10-09 08:51:46 UTC  

The problem is dogmatism

2019-10-09 08:52:05 UTC  

Misguided by nazi propaganda

2019-10-09 08:56:57 UTC  

link on this

2019-10-09 08:57:18 UTC  

>but was thiis true or did the Nazi Propaganda machine move into overdrive to persuade the nation and Europe...

2019-10-09 08:59:44 UTC  

thats literally in your source lmao

2019-10-09 09:00:23 UTC  

>A number of policies were introduced which caused the unemployment figures to drop.

2019-10-09 09:00:31 UTC  

>Women were no longer included in the statistics so any women who remained out of work under the Nazi’s rule did not exist as far as the statistics were concerned.

2019-10-09 09:00:38 UTC  

>The unemployed were given a very simple choice: do whatever work is given to you by the government or be classed as “work-shy” and put in a concentration camp.

2019-10-09 09:00:47 UTC  

>Jews lost their citizenship in 1935 and as a result were not included in unemployment figures even though many lost their employment at the start of Hitler’s time in power.

2019-10-09 09:00:58 UTC  

uh oh

2019-10-09 09:37:17 UTC

2019-10-09 09:38:31 UTC  

Even hitler admits he only used the red colour to get votes from workers thinking he was a socialist

2019-10-09 09:38:41 UTC  

It was a populism scheme

2019-10-09 09:44:02 UTC  

@Shah you are not saying anything?

2019-10-09 09:44:31 UTC  

i wanted to make my argument woven with your answer

2019-10-09 09:44:32 UTC  


2019-10-09 09:45:03 UTC  

i dont know why you are pointing this to a lefty server. maybe you and your nazi friends can jack off to these (incomplete as we just saw) statistics

2019-10-09 09:45:38 UTC  

most marxists view nazi economics as simply as the regime providing capital interest for possible economic growth

2019-10-09 09:46:10 UTC  

they encouraged industrialists to produce military hardware in order to further their goals at the expense of private consumption with their totalitarian power

2019-10-09 09:46:31 UTC  

no one here cares about that

2019-10-09 09:47:13 UTC  

>Although Daimler-Benz is best known for its Mercedes-Benz automobile brand, during World War II, it also created a notable series of engines for German aircraft, tanks, and submarines... During World War II, Daimler-Benz employed the use of over 60,000 concentration camp prisoners and other forced laborers to build machinery

2019-10-09 09:47:24 UTC  

>After the war, Daimler admitted to its links and coordination with the Nazi government

2019-10-09 09:47:57 UTC  

Don't forget Henry ford

2019-10-09 09:48:09 UTC  

Whom hitler had a picture of on his desk

2019-10-09 10:09:21 UTC  

what was hitler definition of socialism, again @Shah

2019-10-09 10:09:24 UTC  


2019-10-09 15:42:24 UTC

2019-10-09 15:52:40 UTC  


2019-10-09 15:53:38 UTC  

>iceage barbarian
>anti anime

2019-10-09 15:53:45 UTC  


2019-10-09 15:57:26 UTC  

Libertarians are the cringiest motherfuckers on earth

2019-10-09 16:04:57 UTC  

They always posting cringe

2019-10-09 16:20:16 UTC  

muh economists

2019-10-09 16:21:02 UTC  

do kiddies not realize that economists aren't these omniscient arbiters of economic policy and that they're literally just mathniggers that get paid to shit out rhetoric for whatever think tank they work for

2019-10-09 16:29:43 UTC  

You just described all scientists aswell

2019-10-09 16:29:49 UTC