Message from @Bad Company
Discord ID: 341640948918255616
I just hope he nails Hawaii.
I like putin
The Norks don't want nukes to hit the US (however much the threat of doing so is useful) they want nukes as a hard counter to ZaoG carrier battle groups.
*ZOG. Don't know what a zaog is lol.
Hmm hopefully they decimate Israel
That's what the alliance with Iran is for...
Dumb question NK is allied with Iran?
I wouldn't say that's a dumb question. I've never heard that either.
If they are that's pretty cool I guess. It makes sense too. Two protectionist countries allied to protect themselves from the zog.
By way of the Shanghai Cooperative Organization
Iran relied on Nork assistance to kickstart her own nuke program
Remember Bush's axis of evil speech?
Think of it as the axis of good...
Ha I don't know about that. The enemy of my enemy is not my freind. That said though I don't wish ill on the Norks or Iran. I just wish we would leave the world the fuck alone and let them solve their own problems instead of bending over backwards to help jews rule.
Anyone who resists the new world order at the state level gives us room to maneuver at home.
But at the end of the day those iranian muslims want your head on a pike and the Norks are still communists that exploit their own people. I wouldn't call them freinds.
Long term they aren't us, we ain't gonna be friends without good fences, but the longer term is far away.
The Kim dynasty is retarded
I dunno, they've managed to keep a communist state running against all the odds...
I've never had a problem with the Iranians, they seem a bit better than the Arabs and are a different Islamic sect. They are ok in my book and certainly not the threat Dubya makes them out to be
I agree with you somewhat Nathan but they are still muslims. Also savage they kept a communist state running solely because of chinese help.
And yet they have managed to avoid being swallowed by china (including periodically purging Chinese agents in their ranks)
I don't want to live in north korea
I don't love north korea
Monarchy is so awesome, it can even make communism work after a fashion...
Yeah Muslims are Muslims but don't seem set on wiping out whites and Christians, they've been to themselves for awhile. And yeah North Korea has only lasted so long because it's been propped up by the USSR and China, after the USSR collapsed North Korea went into a total state of disarray and that's when the famines started. Also the floods destroyed the crops and the Kim dynasty ordered the farmers to continue producing tobacco instead of food lol
Savage are you a monarchist? I've only ever met one monarchist in real life, he's one of my best freinds though. He's a total romantic and also somewhat of a dork.
Guilty on all counts
Your avatar even wears a crown.
I have somewhat of a hard on for it
A gift from the good folks over at helicopter mom
Monarchy is aight
But ultimately I think a supreme ruler who is chosen based on ability rather than just blood is a much better choice. That said a monarchy lead by a family with the best interests of it's people can be a great set up.
I like the aesthetics
Before hereditary primogeniture succession was made the Salic law standard, hereditary election was the Germanic standard