Message from @OF-8

Discord ID: 314523439711125509

2017-05-17 21:52:08 UTC  

That was the correct socialist

2017-05-17 21:52:39 UTC  

I doubt that even in a temporal ban you could restore it again as you wanted

2017-05-17 21:52:49 UTC  

but what they discuss more is the thing of permanent revolution

2017-05-17 21:53:04 UTC  

and pro-Stalin people think that in this case, it isn't leninist and that it would kill the revolution

2017-05-17 21:53:31 UTC  

and then we have council communists

2017-05-17 21:53:35 UTC  

and bordigists

2017-05-17 21:57:33 UTC  

All that shut you just said is basically the cancer that ends each revolution before it may reach its second stable point. P

2017-05-17 21:58:17 UTC  

Or the other complimentary cancer; the fallacious notion that writhing every socialist revolution lies the pupae of a functional state.

2017-05-17 21:58:49 UTC  

*bordiga gets offended* 😛

2017-05-17 21:59:05 UTC  

Not once has this actually been the case. As we can see within every socialist revolution lies an impossible to sustain ideological terratoma

2017-05-17 21:59:50 UTC  

I get that you're making a certain type of joke, but no.

2017-05-17 22:01:27 UTC  

The mere fact that I'm speaking to a leftist means I've a very high tolerance for disgust.

2017-05-17 22:01:52 UTC  

The party has a clear theoretical line

2017-05-17 22:02:03 UTC  

an in an anarchist case we could use a platform and unions

2017-05-17 22:02:13 UTC  

blanquism isn't leninism

2017-05-17 22:02:18 UTC  


2017-05-17 22:02:38 UTC  

but today, we have bourgeois economy in the university, the mainstream economy

2017-05-17 22:02:47 UTC  

neoclassical-keynesian and even austrian

2017-05-17 22:03:19 UTC  

in socialism this is easier once we can educate the people

2017-05-17 22:03:33 UTC  

the media isn't owned privately for profit as now

2017-05-17 22:03:51 UTC  

Woah. Woah. Yes it is.

2017-05-17 22:03:54 UTC  

it doesn't mean it has to be managed by the party, it could be self-managed by different workers

2017-05-17 22:04:14 UTC  

In socialism

2017-05-17 22:04:23 UTC  

OH the other control system!

2017-05-17 22:04:43 UTC  

Yeah that's a thing, man that's a fun system to fuck with.

2017-05-17 22:04:53 UTC  

Fellow travelers are cheap and disposable, comrade

2017-05-17 22:05:23 UTC  

Today in capitalism the big business owners control the big media, you can look how they're connected, they're hierarchic and they have the same interests, they all support a capitalist ideology

2017-05-17 22:05:53 UTC  

We're in a control system now, and the academia has the neoclassical pseudoscientifc model; debunked by marxists economists like Cockshott

2017-05-17 22:06:05 UTC  

Hardly, the big media machine has a keen interest in promoting socialism

2017-05-17 22:06:16 UTC  

haha no

2017-05-17 22:06:19 UTC  


2017-05-17 22:06:27 UTC  

not even the mild ones, like Venezuela who aren't even socialists

2017-05-17 22:06:34 UTC  

in my country there's a socdem party emerging

2017-05-17 22:06:44 UTC  


2017-05-17 22:06:55 UTC  

It's totally not natsoc, it's socdem

2017-05-17 22:06:57 UTC  

and they manipulate them accusing them of uspporting Venezuela, even a minimal reform, they start manipulating

2017-05-17 22:07:03 UTC  


2017-05-17 22:07:12 UTC  

a few nationalizations aren't socialism

2017-05-17 22:07:29 UTC  

You don't know much about Latin America do you?

2017-05-17 22:07:39 UTC  

I speak Spanish

2017-05-17 22:07:55 UTC  

I can get the sources