Message from @Sid
Discord ID: 330468692532002819
only insecure nutcases care
You are just calling things bad without explaining why
you guys seriously cant see the degeneracy and coruption of society by degenerate sociopathic whores that we call women?
I can see you are a troll
i dont give a fuck about "degeneracy"
only fascists and conservatives do
they have boobies
whats ur rebuttal
Women care more about safety. In the time of necessary fight they instinctively save themselves for a better good of the population. And lose the fight. Preservation in the time of need is reactionary.
@Dead Account news flash all societies past the last 2 ones have been conservative whether right or left
thats certainly doesnt look like a woman
according to you, martyrs like rosa luxembourg are scum
you are not a leftist, you are a reactionary
"generic and a waste of time" ...
I mean they look nice
and that is enough for me
all of your arguments can be destroyed with a single image
Whoever said i liked big breast?
get that jew back in the cage
stop acting like a leftist if you have no respect for rosa
you're useless
oh, i see
you are a nazi
not all leftists support rosa
fuck off
don't have to support her to respect her
I don't support lenin but i respect his contributions to leftism
you support rosa and not lenin?
sid, leftists dont care about whether someone is jewish
when did i say i support rosa?
I said respect
youve never been to my country then @Dead Account
Sid, how much respect do you have for hitler?