Message from @Sid
Discord ID: 330476497129308162
Trotskyism is worldwide revolution, nationalism is literally the polar opposite. it's being proud of shit you had nothing to do with
this meme agian
<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> ***Sid#8488 has been warned.***
le link spam
i am just advertising a lively discord
Sid he's from another discord
whats next you're gonna advocate anarcho-fascism? lol
whats wrong with that?
we don't want to stop at one country we use nationalism to decide policies and organize the workers @Kloud
He said he's reporting me to the FBI for raiding twitch streamers
well said comrade
who said that gav
thank you
you don't need nationalism to organize the workers and device policies
you do
Some skid that owns a information technology
if you have no reason to do it
then why do it
Want his discord
He's pretty dumv
if you do it for the nation then you are more willing to do it
because its a team spirit kinda thang
Being from 4chan automatically makes me an criminal boys
**1 Warnings:**
User: (235168466947014666) Sid#8488 Moderator: Firefly#9983
Link spam. - Jun 30```
? i didnt post a link now
this is misinformation
If this is an anarchy server why is there moderators? 🤔