Message from @Subhuman✓ᵂᵒᵏᵉ
Discord ID: 350472442826719234
Still che lel
He wasn't wrong though
Youre still a faggot @Subhuman✓ᵂᵒᵏᵉ
@Valtiel not an argument
So? people shouldn't be viewed as contextless quotes
@Subhuman✓ᵂᵒᵏᵉ very much so noodle brains
@Valtiel ad personam
Not an argument
@Subhuman✓ᵂᵒᵏᵉ don't talk back to me you noodle brain
like people dont like Hitler bc he kill a bunch of jews not because he wrote a mean book
a guy got punched? Nazis have literately thousands of Communist
We're gonna get those Nazis
some anrcho commies get carried away, so?
>implying I'm a kekifag
@Subhuman✓ᵂᵒᵏᵉ you're just a faggot
@Subhuman✓ᵂᵒᵏᵉ faggot
i dont understand why yall are arguing over memes
like anti fa is prt much a meme
@Valtiel Ooo a vague image that hardly defines me, gottem
why are you people communicating almost exclusively in memes lets get on that voice chat
>implying I'm a Trump supporter
Yes we communicate via memes
>literal animefag
We are too autistic to communicate via mere mortal text
next level
feminist dace therapy
You know who else was against fascists?? American soldiers! We're just like them!