Message from @Tedium
Discord ID: 320636420710596620
So who are Japheth and Shem races?
What sort of cognitive dissonance gymnastics are they doing?
I've heard that Japheth is Whites and Shem the Semitic races. Semite actually means descendant of Shem.
The belief that all may come to Heaven through Christ, but they are cursed and by their very nature are prone to violence and must exert more control than the white members
The mental gymnastics ^
Basically they acknowledge that on a base level they feel the urge to chimp out but by the glory of Christ they have power over their chimp urge
Holy shit
They're actually why I hate nigs
Lol that makes sense
Japheth being Whites makes a lot of sense. Definitely the first thing I thought of when I read that
What kind of church do you attend now?
Baptist, rarely. I live 7ish hours from my home town. We don't have a Methodist church here. Baptists are pretty cucked to the JQ but otherwise this church aren't heretics.
Some Baptists are super heretical though so
I don't identify as Methodist though. I just read the Bible and do my best. I'm obviously spotty on some spots, but I've only refound religion in the past year
That's cool. Yeah all the baptists in my area cuck for Israel
I'm looking for a church to go back to after almost 20 years
But I'm a non-trinitarian, so that is damn near impossible
As in you believe the 3 are 3 separate beings, or?
Through personal investigations
I believe that God is one, Jesus was his, I can't think of the right word
Aspect or Avatar I have heard used
Physical manifestation?
No, avatar implies physical manifestation. Give me a second
Facilitator is a better word. God gave him authority and allowed him to do what he did
Holy Spirit is Gods will and action on earth
Like in antiquity when a king sent a messenger or ambassador, they were able to speak on the king's behalf
As the king, so to speak
But based on directives given by the king
So Moses 2.0? God spoke to him and then he repeated? Or God taught him laws and Christ explained the laws in human words?
I would personally lean more toward God teaching him the laws
In heaven.
I believe that Jesus was a human, but that God taught his soul before he was put into human form
I think
Something like that anyway. I find that the scriptures bear out my king's ambassador theory. As for how it happened, I'm not sure
Shem is the Canaanite
I don't have a problem going to a trinitarian church, I just find they are the ones who have a problem with my beliefs
We need a new discord
Like a redpill university
So I don't keep clogging our chat with my endless ramblings