Message from @Cantwell

Discord ID: 610648338139709472

2019-08-13 01:31:46 UTC  

Bananas share 50% of their genes with jews by default

2019-08-13 01:31:48 UTC

2019-08-13 01:31:48 UTC  

French people are jews now

2019-08-13 01:31:50 UTC  

banana is jew

2019-08-13 01:32:14 UTC  

Monkeys love Bananas as they are being brainwashed by the global zionist agency of zionism.

2019-08-13 01:32:25 UTC  

spanish people are jews

2019-08-13 01:33:06 UTC  

there is literally no point to these clusters, they're all arbitrary

2019-08-13 01:34:42 UTC  

how so?

2019-08-13 01:34:56 UTC  

everyone on the graph is a jew

2019-08-13 01:35:12 UTC  


2019-08-13 01:35:16 UTC  

not really no

2019-08-13 01:35:30 UTC  

60% of it is jews

2019-08-13 01:35:49 UTC  

also, its still pointless

2019-08-13 01:36:10 UTC  

you can break these clusters down into even more clusters

2019-08-13 01:36:49 UTC  

and there is more genetic similarity between the clusters than within them

2019-08-13 01:36:50 UTC  

yes you can have it recognize 300 different groups if you want it to be very specfic

2019-08-13 01:37:25 UTC  

yes and there is more genetic similarity between gorillas and humans than between them

2019-08-13 01:37:46 UTC  

then live with gorillas

2019-08-13 01:38:03 UTC  


2019-08-13 01:38:11 UTC  

gots em

2019-08-13 01:38:29 UTC

2019-08-13 01:39:01 UTC  

>b-b-buh muh clusters

2019-08-13 01:39:12 UTC  


2019-08-13 01:39:22 UTC  

i thought when i called myself jewish it was just a joke

2019-08-13 01:39:30 UTC  

guess im like 90% jew now

2019-08-13 01:39:45 UTC  

I don't know take a 23andme and it will tell you

2019-08-13 01:39:50 UTC  

we are all jews

2019-08-13 01:39:59 UTC  

It will tell what religion you are

2019-08-13 01:40:05 UTC  

live with it

2019-08-13 01:40:18 UTC  


2019-08-13 01:40:29 UTC  

your 0.5% ashkenazi @Cantwell

2019-08-13 01:40:45 UTC  


2019-08-13 01:40:56 UTC  

then die you fucking jew

2019-08-13 01:41:07 UTC  

that's nice

2019-08-13 01:41:49 UTC

2019-08-13 01:42:20 UTC  

idealist gang

2019-08-13 01:43:10 UTC  

ok ancom

2019-08-13 01:43:55 UTC  

whats the center

2019-08-13 01:44:20 UTC  


2019-08-13 01:44:27 UTC  


2019-08-13 01:44:32 UTC  
