Message from @poopyscoopy
Discord ID: 629140909560299521
@poopyscoopy I suppose that is a reasonable point.
@poopyscoopy which is what's happening in the 3rd world
in the philippines duterte uses the military and police to protect businesses that prey on the natural resources
Don't forget Brazil
50 years of peoples war and still ongoing
marxism-leninism-maoism will lead the filipino people to freedom from the us-duterte fascist regime
The US is in such dismal condition that social democracy is considered radical, let that sink in...
american education is abysmal
and where i'm from the schools are considered some of the best in the country
and they still suck
@Shah the wall isn't really being built, Trump is just going to use it as a way to get re-elected so he can do whatever the fuck he wants for the next 4 years. His entire campaign will literally be "hey guys I know I had 4 years to build a wall but I swear I will actually build it this time!"
he's a useless neoconservative boomer and they only real good thing people can say about him is "MUH ECONOMY". That is literally all his supporters can fall back on. He flopped on ALL his other promises
he built a fence
and the economy is spiraling into recession
soon my child
and he's trampled over 2a rights
yes he has
cia funded postmodernism
nah man
the jews did it
karltural marksist
thank god i dont worship my leaders like in north korea
*tunes into TMZ*
Tldr the left sucks at making its point concisely and effectively. #truth
" Tldr the left sucks at making its point concisely and effectively. #truth"
grand theft auto iv
la giraffa
I thought leftists were anti labels
are you a fed
reveal your power level
Cliche demo soc from socal