Message from @Markus
Discord ID: 648334429344759819
No I'm Jucheist
Juche South
guys anarcho primitivism is the key to improving the south
No fascism is we need a hitler
brb cumming
yo mods we got loli
im trying to cum you retard child
yo mods
like 4 real
no mods are here
there are no mods
aight im out
i made the last one quit
fucking pedo
sick fuck
posting pics of kids
animated kids
ok moralfag
fucking hell
keep equating 50000 year olds to 5 year olds
a 50000 year old that looks like a 5 year old, still **looks like a 5 year old** you sick fuck
ok but its not about that
Its still hot retard
its hot
and you cant change that
have fun with the FBI
sick fuck
FBI can’t get me loser