Message from @Ten-Speed_Bicycle

Discord ID: 593627742201970690

2019-06-27 02:21:51 UTC  

i think that research and the expansion of industry should be our foremost goals.

2019-06-27 02:22:03 UTC  


2019-06-27 02:22:15 UTC  

Industry is what killed society

2019-06-27 02:22:26 UTC  

I get why you'd support it

2019-06-27 02:22:28 UTC  

I, for one, dont want the human species to die alone on a single rock.

2019-06-27 02:22:35 UTC  


2019-06-27 02:22:38 UTC  

But industrialization is killing the climate

2019-06-27 02:22:42 UTC  

And social values

2019-06-27 02:22:50 UTC  

oh dont get me wrong

2019-06-27 02:22:58 UTC  

humanity is an extention of nature.

2019-06-27 02:23:07 UTC  

progress for humanity comes hand in hand with progress for nature.

2019-06-27 02:23:14 UTC  

Ok I like you a lot now

2019-06-27 02:23:39 UTC  

humans arent a forever thing.

2019-06-27 02:23:42 UTC  

life evolves.

2019-06-27 02:23:46 UTC  

we will change. slowly.

2019-06-27 02:23:53 UTC  

life is the constant.

2019-06-27 02:23:54 UTC  

I'd like to think we mostly beat evolution

2019-06-27 02:23:59 UTC  


2019-06-27 02:24:09 UTC  

I feel like it'd be a while before anything major happens

2019-06-27 02:24:16 UTC  

Like a ***while***

2019-06-27 02:24:42 UTC  

We didnt beat evolution- we changed the game. i think that humanity taking to the stars will be as critical a move in the development in life as the creation of multicellular organisms.

2019-06-27 02:24:52 UTC  

but they key part is we HAVE TO KEEP GOING.

2019-06-27 02:24:56 UTC  

stagnation is death.

2019-06-27 02:25:05 UTC  

But if we keep going

2019-06-27 02:25:11 UTC  

You see what's been happening

2019-06-27 02:25:32 UTC  

yes. we are destroying the climate.

the climate will survive.

2019-06-27 02:25:39 UTC  

we, however, may not.

2019-06-27 02:25:39 UTC  

As a person who's LGBT my community is utterly disgusting and gross and deserves a lot of what they get

2019-06-27 02:25:49 UTC  

that is why i care about climate change. life will absolutely survive.

2019-06-27 02:26:01 UTC  

but pretending climate change is an issue for the planet earth itself is nieve.

2019-06-27 02:26:03 UTC  

its us.

2019-06-27 02:26:08 UTC  

tbh Humanity will have to move out into space

2019-06-27 02:26:36 UTC  

Yeah but our anatomy is fucked because of it

2019-06-27 02:26:51 UTC  

You need hours of exercise to stay normal let alone bulk ip

2019-06-27 02:27:11 UTC  

@Valeska-ἑταίρα soon genetics will be another tool to the progress of life.

2019-06-27 02:27:26 UTC  

I don't like crispr and all that it scares me

2019-06-27 02:27:26 UTC  

its a shift in gear, from how far chemistry can take us to how far our minds can.

2019-06-27 02:27:42 UTC  

crispr is not without error.

2019-06-27 02:27:48 UTC  

but error is not always a bad thing.

2019-06-27 02:27:56 UTC  

I don't want designer babies

2019-06-27 02:28:11 UTC  

I don't want the rich to gain this power and control shit with super people