Message from @NateTheGreat
Discord ID: 326923492698357762
Noticed the wheel was too big
I made a meme like that a *loooooong* time ago
I couldnt find it so I remade it
You could have asked
Yeah I looked for a bigger template
I wish red panels was still around
That Vanguard US looks so amazing.
I want it.
Fash Louisiana first
Working on it.
It all starts with going to meetups @Tedium
I haven't found anyone to meet up with
If they're not close enough, go out and poster, and recruit people
I'll poster , and I'm looking for a label printer soon.
It's not hate speech.
Well it's pro white in an anti white society
Why can't anyone just print the stuff that isn't copyright and look the other way as to the message? What happened to unbiased people?
We should get a fashy print shop
Because (((they))) have to control the media and the thought patterns of this fucked society
There is one, there's a guy we have that runs one, but he's very busy
I know a good goy who working towards a record company. Im not sure how far along he is but he's been selling
I want to have a full range of fashy businesses. Anything that we can't get done because nobody else will do it, I'll do. A webservice for hosting fashy stores, because VA has had trouble with that in the past. And I'll advertise on DS and other websites that are hurting for money because nobody else will advertise on their sites,
I mean every two bit White Power group in the 80's and 90's had a printing press.
Thomas, the demand has far exceeded the capabilities of one man.
Then tell him to stop vacationing and hire some employees
My buddy's store
Lmao. You tell him, Vice Commander.