Message from @Virtual_Leech
Discord ID: 555674620313993216
how tall are you kae?
You know who pulls off the tranny look
kae would transition well
@Tommy Hagen cannot disclose that info
The cosplayer from cloud 9
i'm 5'9
@kae <:GWcorbinMonkaGIGA:384871327292588054>
shorter or taller
if you're above 6'3 it's hard to pull of
haha you're almost as old as evoken
i wish i was shorter
kae can pull it off <:PogU:532613839712419880>
I wish I was shorter too
Hate being 6'5
cause I have to eat all day
short girls are always so pretty
i fucked a guy who was) 6'7 and im only 5'1 <:omegalul:474318341234884628>
Was he asian?
White <:haHAA:495080082747031553>
i not retarded
But not aryan
6'7 asian guy? then she fucked yao ming
yao ming
yao ming 🤓
God i hate asians on the road
Uhh wtf
kae what are you doing
My feet are too big for these <:pepeHands:530820912157818910>
@chia height difference didn't bother you guys?
nah not rlly
no ty