Message from @kae
Discord ID: 555673491337379840
<:afriDab:495000197609291786> <:afriDab:495000197609291786> <:afriDab:495000197609291786> <:afriDab:495000197609291786> <:afriDab:495000197609291786>
im out ill suck my own trap dick
<:pepeTunes:530821028880973834> <:pepeTunes:530821028880973834> <:pepeTunes:530821028880973834> <:pepeTunes:530821028880973834>
I Want thigh high boots to be my next purchase
Got that 2.5 inch punisher <:pepeHands:530820912157818910> <:pepeHands:530820912157818910>
they're so cute
hard agree
i know the perfect outfit
#depression everyone amiright😂
ive considered buying some
stripper shoes
Is the discord really infected by fags
nah i just fix them for a friend
god i love feet
Simon 🤢
Looks like you picked those from a dumpster
Clean them shits
they've been in my wardrobe for months <:cmonBrug:494982864916709386>
He went offline ?
i swear to god kae is either a huge gay homo or a tranny fag in the closet
no other option?
He said hes a foot fag
ctn said i looked feminine <:PogU:532613839712419880>
he does