Message from @Papi_J
Discord ID: 804398163666403378
heyyyyy bitchesssssssss
wait you ded
fasho man! Take care.
Alexa play the boys are back in town
Yo awake you there
hey sup
Sup dude
i fucked up
a bit
How do
i was just working on a uni google doc with other ppl when i noticed that it automatically logs you in with your google account
my google account name is bigwhanger
It be like that
imma just change uni
That happened to me on zoom at the beginning of this year
Joined my class with the name PapiJ
oh yess
Awake is fire 🔥
shit is so lit bro
shawty on my mind
lyrics are so deep
They spoke to my soul tbh ðŸ˜
My boyfriend said it’s fire too
Awake to Awake chat please I’m tryna vibe
Awake is Asleep
Damn really came here to meet him but it’s cool I’ll stay people here seem cool ngl
Awake will be back soon.
Told you
He wants to hold your hand or something
What’s good guys
hey dude, i wanted to talk to you about your style, i work for a small advertisement firm and wanted to do a quick interview @Awake
i like your music
we will also be supporting you