Message from @ⅩⅣ - ⅬⅩⅩⅩⅧ

Discord ID: 556312128378896384

2019-03-16 02:58:01 UTC  

feel the fear of the jews as they anticipate the bullets

2019-03-16 03:00:05 UTC  

rs7 and 2dank made broke malones pedo server 🐻 🐻 🐻

2019-03-16 03:00:28 UTC  

neither of them have said anything pedo though?

2019-03-16 03:00:37 UTC  


2019-03-16 03:00:59 UTC  

"i don't like you so you're a pedo" - YGN Retard C

2019-03-16 03:01:04 UTC  

what have I missed in here

2019-03-16 03:02:37 UTC  


2019-03-16 03:03:31 UTC

2019-03-16 03:03:36 UTC  

if you read this you're gay

2019-03-16 03:03:49 UTC  

yeah because hanging around in pedo servers isn't sus at all

2019-03-16 03:03:54 UTC  

<:WeSmart:495108430336491520> <:WeSmart:495108430336491520>

2019-03-16 03:04:00 UTC

2019-03-16 03:04:05 UTC  


2019-03-16 03:04:17 UTC  

thats fucked up lmao

2019-03-16 03:04:20 UTC  

so being in a server that has a few sus niggas makes you a pedo?

2019-03-16 03:05:02 UTC  

skleptic is gay

2019-03-16 03:05:12 UTC  


2019-03-16 03:05:29 UTC  

youre gay

2019-03-16 03:05:31 UTC  


2019-03-16 03:05:34 UTC  

how do i become gay

2019-03-16 03:05:47 UTC  

suck dick

2019-03-16 03:05:50 UTC  

Hitler knew just what to do
He wouldn't put up with the tricky Jew
When he got going, the lousy kike bitches
Weren't so eager to show off their riches

Hitler was smart and Hitler was right
He took on the kikes without even a fight
The Jews had to wear the yellow star
So the Germans knew just who they are

Not satisfied with killing Christ
The Jews paid communism's price
Starting the commie revolution
Is another example of Jewish pollution

By pushing their godless integration
Jews have brought great harm to our nation
Niggers and white men should not mix
It's Jews who've gotten us into this fix

Who do you think caused all of the fussing
Bringing nigger kids in by busing
Forcing Whites and nigras to mix
It's Jews, up to their same old tricks

Jews are really a wicked race
They're sneaky, laughing in your face
Behind your back they'll curse you out
But to your face they'll never pout

Their attitude is to smile
But give 'em an inch, they'll take a mile
While Gentiles shed their precious blood
The Jews get rich by selling crud

When Gentiles say that Jews are dirty
They know that what they say ain't purty
But behind the saying there is a reason
The Jews are dirty whatever the season

Winter, summer, spring or fall
The Jews will never wash at all
For shoes or pants they never care
They'd sooner buy another pair

And why shouldn't they, their money comes cheap
While we all struggle, our dollars to keep
The Jews pursue the mighty penny
And what of our dollars? There aren't any

Jews are schemers, there is no doubt
Cheat the Gentiles, they scream and shout
Put the niggers up on top
Drown the Whites in nigger slop

2019-03-16 03:05:51 UTC  

ok thanks

2019-03-16 03:05:52 UTC  

Jews are like a bunch of moles
Plotting deviltry in their holes
But when unearthed, they blink and grin
While seeking return from their wages of sin

Christ is the light which all the kikes hate
Like moles, in dark they deliberate
Religion to them is an empty phrase
Money's the god that the Jews most praise

Lord help the Gentiles when Jews take power
They love to make us beg and cower
Mercy to them is an unknown word
Our pleas for mercy would be unheard

Love thy neighbor? Here's how the Jews figure:
Love thy neighbor if he's a nigger
No wonder the niggers are the Jews best friends
Helping them meet their terrible ends

Pornography and dope and crime
Are weapons of the Jewish swine
Aimed at Gentiles hearts and soul
To crucify us, that's their goal

It's time we said enough's enough
We're sick and tired of Jewish stuff
Every day we delay is a cause for Jew-smiles
Another chance to practice their guiles

It's time to finally take a stand
And remove the cancer from our land
It's time to cut Jews down to size
And rid our land of yiddish lies

2019-03-16 03:05:55 UTC  

but it has to be hard or else its not gay

2019-03-16 03:05:56 UTC  

ok thanks

2019-03-16 03:06:10 UTC  


2019-03-16 03:06:31 UTC  


2019-03-16 03:06:38 UTC

2019-03-16 03:06:56 UTC  

@benjah trarranttt lol that pfp

2019-03-16 03:07:26 UTC  

I came

2019-03-16 03:07:27 UTC

2019-03-16 03:07:35 UTC  

let's play the quiet game

2019-03-16 03:07:44 UTC

2019-03-16 03:07:44 UTC  


2019-03-16 03:07:52 UTC  


2019-03-16 03:08:00 UTC  

2019-03-16 03:08:01 UTC  


2019-03-16 03:08:02 UTC  
2019-03-16 03:08:04 UTC  
