Message from @Stooley
Discord ID: 449736282088800257
maybe they were just normal
Pepsi, join something proper
Nothing proper like NRM in Canada.
is the entire fucking continent retarded
I was telling you about that skinhead that wanted to meet up. Thats like the only thing in my town.
what kind of people did Europe send as settlers
obviously the fucking bottom of the pile.
how difficult can it be to just take a look at some propaganda from nordfront and learn.
common sense
when are you gonna nut up and finally get involved in Sweden?
oh you got me there
you shithead
wotanwehr, join as a passive member or economical supporter
and stay lowkey
if you are scared
we all have to do something
"if not me, who? if not now, when?"
I'm not scared, honestly.
i have no income to support membership fees
500 sek a year?
not trying to come with excuses
i mean, it's possible.
if you can afford to be on discord you can afford paying 500 sek a year
shitty fucking excuse
You swedish?
im in Borås
Then there's no excuse.
i know you boys are active in Göteborg, but is there any activity going on in Borås? can't find anything about it. Saw a video from 2008 or some shit like that in Borås
latest report is from this month
I will get a hold on cash and I will fill in these blanks and join the resistance.
from borås
205 seems to be your group
I should just save up my cash and move to sweden.