Message from @O.Staaf
Discord ID: 547544058273464320
His dinasty is French if i remember correctly
your thinking is wrong
Death to monarchy
todays nobility doesn't reflect the nobility of yesterday
we aren't pro monarchy
but we don't want a president either
we want a leader who's destined and made to be a leader
if you're evolian or whatever you said you should understand involution
I'm 30
Do you understand him though
how do you the struggle continue for NS
to you what is the path of action
Agression is and will always be needed
Burning cars of the Jews and their minions is only a good thing
You can't have read it
My name is Oskar Karlsson
you can look me up on antifa
@Vaskebjørn make @ganzwien member
@Vaskebjørn give me the member role bror
You have to be over 175
Jokes BrøtHHer
I'm 18cm, that enough for you bror?
Let me just open my pc
I still love this .jpeg spurdo
why the fuck is there an arab here <:shieeet:449290178050261002>
Mashallah SS Hezbollah<:ss:449290177785888768> ☝️