Message from @mike1976
Discord ID: 814548844368101447
Their name is Grilled Juicy!🤣🤣
Hopefully on a bed of veggies!
That's my antifa infiltration disguise
Good deal
You know.. that isn't really that could be a joke that an anti american anti constitutionalists would say. 😳
OMG DOG... Love you!!🤣🤣
Me either...
Don't ask don't tell
Do no illegal...
Nowadays literally walking home from school one day
She probly chose the wrong school... They probly had choices at that school... Not brainwashing
He was dead
Dog... lol
He dam sure should be
Trust me if there was more than one husband involved I would've killed myself a long time ago
I side porched you Dog
Thats me
Cool you are attractive!
Like my bowl cut and beard 😎
My wife is a bearded pygmy too
Lol my wife would beat my ass if she read that
Hell yeah I like the old ass drunken bar wench look
Thanks 😁
Lol that'd be me but all ex's but one
Bag her and increase your alcohol dose all women look beautiful then
Like I said I been married 3 times I'm not that easily baited
Yeah I learned that I stay sober