Message from @bigalexgaming
Discord ID: 806324057858637835
fuck america
interesting... thats about where i got placed as well
thanks, didn't know
What I don’t understand about that test...why are the red and blue not flipped?
Because the left like to pretend that anybody that is far left and authoritarian is right leaning. 🙂
Granted, some of the questions I either didn't really know entirely, or my feelings about them were more complicated than the options given for answers, so there's also that.
But I've already felt I was pretty centrist.
thats sort of how i felt after a took the political compass test for the first time a few years back. I didnt completely know some of the issues, however, so that might've been why i was closer to the center
after a couple of years and a lot of researching on various political issues, I eventually came out as far to the right and between auth and lib
I really wish there was an "I feel neutral" option, or an "I don't know" option for that test.
i got a economic left and social libertarian
I, Jao Bai Din, got went off the entire grid, getting 200% Left, 200% Authoritarian, and I even made the Z-axis, coming in at 200% China
Thought I'd be more libertarian tbh
yeah me too
it turns out im a nazi
mines a bit more like this
a little further right tho
the test is incredibly inaccurate though
Yeah, first time I got libertarian left, then I got authoritarian right...
Yeah I took it like 4 years ago I was auth left, then 1 year ago I was, far lib right, and now I'm just barely lib right
Don't feel like I answered differently though
Ah yes, NaZi GaNg it so funny because i took it before and got just barely auth right, and now when i take it again im a nazi, seems legit
its so nice to have a nazi buddy
Of course I am an "f word"