Message from @Dex

Discord ID: 815132957093527572

2021-02-27 08:04:13 UTC  

also i just want a wholesome dream because i had one of the most disturbing dreams ive had in a long time a few days ago

2021-02-27 08:04:21 UTC  

I see I see. I have my reservations about each and every facet of that statement

2021-02-27 08:04:46 UTC  

Honestly I’m not why I struggle with the issues I struggle with 😂 I don’t think I’m ugly and I’m pretty confident most of the time but some days are just tough

2021-02-27 08:04:56 UTC  

Discuss them with us if you wish

2021-02-27 08:05:10 UTC  

I’ll hear you out if you want

2021-02-27 08:05:14 UTC  

some days you're the bug and other days you're the windshield

2021-02-27 08:05:26 UTC  

Good saying lol

2021-02-27 08:05:30 UTC  

its not gory or violent its just a huge wtf moment

2021-02-27 08:05:53 UTC  

That’s ok with me, if you need to talk something out I’m here to listen lol

2021-02-27 08:05:59 UTC  

yeah my dad tells it to me when i start sobbing in the car over college classes lmao

2021-02-27 08:06:00 UTC  

Alright, this is getting weird, I'm out.

2021-02-27 08:06:06 UTC  


2021-02-27 08:06:17 UTC  

thanks :)

2021-02-27 08:06:22 UTC  

Weird in a bad way? Also bye bye have a good night!

2021-02-27 08:06:39 UTC  

but seriously its just so weird my brain refuses to comprehend it

2021-02-27 08:06:41 UTC  

Yeah I find this stuff entertaining but I still care

2021-02-27 08:06:51 UTC  

What was it even about 😂

2021-02-27 08:06:53 UTC  


2021-02-27 08:07:00 UTC  

so basically...

2021-02-27 08:07:09 UTC  

and lets say that theoretically....

2021-02-27 08:07:21 UTC  

i had a child....?

2021-02-27 08:07:29 UTC  

and it was super weird because im also a child????

2021-02-27 08:07:41 UTC  

So we’re you older in your dream

2021-02-27 08:07:45 UTC  


2021-02-27 08:07:56 UTC  

and i dont even know who the father was

2021-02-27 08:07:57 UTC  

Then that’s not too bad yet

2021-02-27 08:08:06 UTC  

Ok that’s a bit worse

2021-02-27 08:08:17 UTC  

but i have a feeling it was one of my guy friends **which makes it even worse**

2021-02-27 08:08:24 UTC  


2021-02-27 08:08:42 UTC  

I don’t see anything that disturbing yet other than maybe the friend being the father

2021-02-27 08:09:11 UTC  

yeah but the really weird thing is is that i didnt even have a child

2021-02-27 08:09:18 UTC  

Righty. I see myself in a similar boat as you, and it seems rather bold to flat out admit such. Interesting way to frame dreams as "God sent them," which makes me wonder about the dark flipside. And help? I simply don't see that, because I have to see something to believe it. How is a softly trippy dream helping my life situation? They appear to simply shock the relative routine and isolate my mind from reality

2021-02-27 08:09:18 UTC  

i was going to and i was just

2021-02-27 08:09:25 UTC  


2021-02-27 08:10:50 UTC  

When I say God sent me a good dream I see that I do imply that God also sends bad dreams, and maybe He does I wouldn’t know. I’m more stating the fact that God knew I would have a comforting dream and actively allowed me to experience comfort which helped me out the next day

2021-02-27 08:11:09 UTC  

So you have a crush on your friend and dream of being a mother?

2021-02-27 08:11:28 UTC  

ajkfhakjghfjkdghdfkjghkawhskvhfdgfd but the problem is is that i have multiple guy friends

2021-02-27 08:11:37 UTC  

Sure thing 🙄 I don't see it

2021-02-27 08:11:45 UTC  

So pick the one you like the most

2021-02-27 08:11:46 UTC  

and i dont know it was just super weird and confusing

2021-02-27 08:11:59 UTC  

That’s ok I just wanted to explain myself a bit