Message from @ThiccSpicyGenderRevealParty

Discord ID: 813479873564770336

2021-02-22 07:37:28 UTC  

The British tested a model of the Sterling (Which is the Sten, but not quite so ugly) that fired .308 rounds.

2021-02-22 07:37:59 UTC  

That’s perfect actually

2021-02-22 07:39:51 UTC  

Alright, the idea that I'd put a pin in:
The opposing forces I talked about in my story earlier.

Takes a bit of explaining, again.

2021-02-22 07:40:31 UTC  

So, at some point, Eldritch....things invaded the galaxy. Back when it was still ruled by humans. Before the time travel.

2021-02-22 07:41:07 UTC  

Now, these are basically like Elder Gods from Lovecraft. They are insanity made manifest.

2021-02-22 07:41:23 UTC  

Go on

2021-02-22 07:42:32 UTC  

Humans and their allies are advanced. But this really screws with them. So they fight a huge war. They manage to come up with an idea to use reality warping tech to lock each of these elder gods within a planet. The trade off is that the galaxy is basically hit with a giant reset button.

2021-02-22 07:42:56 UTC  


2021-02-22 07:45:02 UTC  

These other races (Dwarves, elves, humans that aren't on earth, so on) develop their tech once again. But then some of these idiots have an idea.

"Maybe we can harvest energy of the Elder Gods."

A good portion of people are like "Yeah, harvest insanity made manifest? Like, maybe how about we *don't*. Maybe how about we do literally anything but that."

2021-02-22 07:45:56 UTC  

Well, some people started. And that's how the Unreasonables I was talking about earlier, became the unreasonables.

I still don't have a name for them.

2021-02-22 07:46:16 UTC  


2021-02-22 07:46:47 UTC  

Anyway thats it from me for now because it’s almost 12 where I am rn and I have to get up early tomorrow

2021-02-22 07:47:07 UTC  

Alrighty, have a good night. I hope I was able to help you out.

2021-02-22 07:47:10 UTC  


2021-02-22 07:47:14 UTC  

And you did

2021-02-22 07:47:22 UTC  


2021-02-22 08:16:11 UTC  

What things should I include in a article ab national debt

2021-02-22 08:34:31 UTC  

About five years ago I would have been all over this, now my knowledge has grown a little fuzzy on the topic. I would as Redbird October, when he's on.

2021-02-22 16:41:04 UTC  

im awake again

2021-02-22 18:27:17 UTC  

I am asleep again.

2021-02-22 18:38:35 UTC  


2021-02-22 18:59:50 UTC  

I’m sort of experimenting with this idea for the setting which is basically, a lot of people sealed themselves off in These bunkers across the planet, which were interconnected at somepoint

2021-02-22 19:00:22 UTC  

However, due to the planet’s fall, many of them were cut off and were pretty much forgotten

2021-02-22 19:01:49 UTC  

As for the people inside them, most either would starve to death, turn into stark raving lunatic cannibals, or just plain diseased zombie things

2021-02-22 20:52:01 UTC  

is it a kind of "futuristic WWI steampunk" style that you're aiming for?

2021-02-22 20:52:54 UTC  

sort of

2021-02-22 20:53:24 UTC  

it doesnt take place on earth though

2021-02-22 20:53:56 UTC  

hmm, how much do you care about realism? or the illusion of realism?

2021-02-22 20:55:38 UTC  

enough that its doable and looks the part, but not enough to ruin the whole post apocalyptic future thing

2021-02-22 20:55:55 UTC  

there is an event in Stellaris where a civilization retreated underground from a nuclear winter and all died off when food ran out but uploaded their consciousness into a super computer. could be an idea for how to do it

2021-02-22 20:56:55 UTC  

lots of cool ways to go from there but may have to make a few drastic jumps of logic to do it

2021-02-22 20:57:16 UTC  

the idea i mentioned above was mostly part of the world building thing actually

2021-02-22 20:58:24 UTC  

ahh so more of a backround idea or backstory than any actual plot point

2021-02-22 20:59:14 UTC  

yeah its a detail that's supposed to "drive conflict" for lack of a better term

2021-02-22 21:00:21 UTC  

could be a "lurking threat" to use later on, sci fi isnt usually my thing but was always disappointed the game never took the idea anywhere beyond the introduction

2021-02-22 21:00:45 UTC  

thats probably what I'll use it for

2021-02-23 00:28:05 UTC  

Hi! I'm new here. Um, what's this channel for, specifically?

2021-02-23 00:46:50 UTC  

Basically you come here talk about what your writing or something like that

2021-02-23 00:50:24 UTC  

Oh, cool! Thank you!

2021-02-23 00:50:34 UTC  

So what are you writing?

2021-02-23 01:24:06 UTC  

@ASongofJoy some people post work here too, typically as a PDF which then gets pinned to the channel usually by IsobototheHobo