Message from @Kreia's Disciple

Discord ID: 813779507080986656

2021-02-23 14:16:13 UTC  

holy fuck

2021-02-23 14:17:25 UTC  

They used psychological techniques to lure women to places where they would be vulnerable, then used PTSD to make sure that they would black out once these things started happening.

Remember how this woman adamantly insisted that she hadn't been lying?

2021-02-23 14:17:43 UTC  


2021-02-23 14:17:54 UTC  

She wasn't lying. Her brain would not let her remember the trauma.

2021-02-23 14:18:17 UTC  

So it made up memories as to where she had been.

2021-02-23 14:18:21 UTC  

damn... I believe it, but holy shit.

2021-02-23 14:18:37 UTC  

tell me they copped thos fuckers that hurt her

2021-02-23 14:19:09 UTC  

They did. They found DM's and messages between these two guys and some websites online.

2021-02-23 14:19:42 UTC  

Explaining how to do this to people, how to identify the people who would be the most vulnerable to these kinds of techniques.

2021-02-23 14:20:25 UTC  

damn. psychological "warfare", for lack of a better term, is so fucked.

2021-02-23 14:20:32 UTC  


2021-02-23 14:21:14 UTC  

So I had an idea for something in the story. But I'm not sure it's believable.

2021-02-23 14:21:40 UTC  

care to run it by?

2021-02-23 14:21:45 UTC  

I'd love to hear it

2021-02-23 14:22:44 UTC  

So, you know much about WH40k?

2021-02-23 14:25:52 UTC  

Well, basically the universe is a blend of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Anyways.

2021-02-23 14:26:12 UTC  


2021-02-23 14:28:22 UTC  

aight, sorry, my teacher was asking me some things

2021-02-23 14:28:29 UTC  

didn't mean to ghost you

2021-02-23 14:28:36 UTC  

no idk about wh40k

2021-02-23 14:29:13 UTC  

Don't worry, if this is a bad time, you don't have to pay attention to this right now. You can get back to me whenever you have time, and we can kind of pin this so you can find it again.

2021-02-23 14:30:08 UTC  

yup. class is winding down, that's the only reason he's talking to us

2021-02-23 14:30:23 UTC  

I have guitar next, which is a total jerk-off class xD

2021-02-23 14:30:29 UTC  

But anyways. Dwarves, elves. All of these things plus spaceships. And, yet, despite everything, Warhammer makes it cool. Which is amazing.

So my fiction is trying to go after the same thing.

2021-02-23 14:30:40 UTC  


2021-02-23 14:30:46 UTC  

so all that stuff alex jones rants about?

2021-02-23 14:31:12 UTC  

? 4th dimensional fairies? Haven't gotten quite that far yet.

2021-02-23 14:31:36 UTC  

And I don't listen to Alex Jones, so I don't really have a strong grasp on the things he talks about.

2021-02-23 14:31:36 UTC  

4d fairies.. interesting xD

2021-02-23 14:32:01 UTC  

I don't judge him, I just don't know enough about him.

2021-02-23 14:32:49 UTC  

He's a little crazy, but he rants about evil elves (that he believes are demonic entities) and all sorts of mythology, and someone ties them to soros and the deep state. I find him entertaining and his theories are atleast somewhat consistant.

2021-02-23 14:33:30 UTC  

Anywho. The platoon gets roped into serving aboard a space ship, and it's a bunch of teenagers. Not exactly bright, by any standards. They all begin to get crushes on various people serving aboard the ship.

2021-02-23 14:34:05 UTC  

The ship's huge, it's like 15,000 people serving on board, it may as well be it's own city.

2021-02-23 14:37:02 UTC  


2021-02-23 14:37:04 UTC  


2021-02-23 14:38:35 UTC  

And then there are the lower decks, which brass consistently tells people: "Crimes consistently happen down there, because they're maintenance & storage decks and aren't regularly populated. If you need to go down there, you should have permission, and you should never be alone. This is for everyone's best interests."

Well, nurse tells a guy "I need to fetch some medical supplies from storage. Would you be willing to walk me and another nurse down there?"

Alright, this is the nurse he has a crush on. She's going to be going to a place where there aren't any people watching, and ostensibly it's for her protection. So....of course. He's 17, he likes her, he sees a chance to score some points and maybe sneak a kiss.

2021-02-23 14:41:50 UTC  

They get down to the lower decks, take a few twists and turns, she asks him to hold hands. He says yes. And then suddenly, while he's preoccupied, the other nurse pulls a gun on him. "Hands up."

Dude jumps between the gun and his crush, hands in the air. And then he feels the pistol being pulled from his belt, and his crush is now *also* holding a gun. Trained on him.

2021-02-23 14:46:22 UTC  

They steer him into what looks like a lab. It's tiny, but it's definitely got some higher tech stuff in it. They take a mechanical spider looking thing, put it on his spine. All eight legs dig in, piercing flesh, piercing bone, going straight to the nerves in his spine.

At first it hurts, and then it suddenly doesn't. They explain what they're doing.
"This is a nerve spider. It's a nifty little thing. You can't feel the pain you *should* be feeling right now, because it's consistently dosing you with minuscule amounts of localized pain killers. Now, we can stop it from dosing you any time we want. So you're going to answer our questions. Do you understand?"

2021-02-23 14:48:49 UTC  

Turns out, they know he works in Sig-Int. It's a low level job, but it's still a position in Intelligence.

2021-02-23 14:50:40 UTC  

wow, I actually got lost in the story for a second. Came to the end of that section way to fast! xD

2021-02-23 14:55:48 UTC  

And at first he hesitates. Because, y'know, he doesn't want to give up intelligence.
But, hey. Nerve spider. They let him have a few moments to let him feel the pain. And after a few seconds he understands *I am not going to be able to keep anything from these two.* He understands he's screwed. And they say "We want the truth. So we're going to run a simple test question to make sure you're honest with us. Who's fault it is, that you're down here? Who's fault is it that you're in this predicament?"

And at first he doesn't really know how to answer. He's like "I dunno."

More pain.

And then they say "But you *do* know. Brass said that nobody should come down here with people they don't know. But you came down here with us. Why did you come down here with us? You only met us a couple weeks ago, and you haven't really spent any time with us. Why would you come down here with us?"