Message from @Gene.

Discord ID: 817786532089430017

2021-03-06 15:46:57 UTC  

I dislike the ministry.

2021-03-06 15:47:04 UTC  

Why are the Weasly's poor?

2021-03-06 15:47:09 UTC  

I have no idea.

2021-03-06 15:47:17 UTC  

There is no justification.

2021-03-06 15:47:29 UTC  

I find reading fan fiction (Not THAT type.)

2021-03-06 15:47:35 UTC  

Is more interesting then watching a movie.

2021-03-06 15:47:46 UTC  

Since the characters are better and they are not plain.

2021-03-06 15:47:46 UTC  


2021-03-06 15:47:51 UTC  

Never seen it

2021-03-06 15:48:06 UTC  

its an author that stole the story from a fanfiction.

2021-03-06 15:48:16 UTC  

and the movie is awful.

2021-03-06 15:48:56 UTC  

I find fan fiction, can be sweet and nice

2021-03-06 15:49:09 UTC  

or it can be... Perverted and other stuff.

2021-03-06 15:49:20 UTC  

Some fan fiction is great.

2021-03-06 15:49:41 UTC  

Also, Harry potter, his up brining was depressing for no reason.

2021-03-06 15:50:00 UTC  

If he was rich and spoiled or if he was poor and living on the street,

2021-03-06 15:50:09 UTC  

What the fuck? Is this real?

2021-03-06 15:50:12 UTC  

he would still develop similar.

2021-03-06 15:51:00 UTC  

She said she only put Ron and Hermione together thanks to her own childish dreams or something

2021-03-06 15:51:10 UTC  

I think Draco should have had a better ending.

2021-03-06 15:51:42 UTC  


2021-03-06 15:51:49 UTC  

not everything can be wholesom.

2021-03-06 15:52:06 UTC  

Lives were lost, people were injured. buildings were damaged.

2021-03-06 15:53:02 UTC  

One thing I don't get, the royals.

2021-03-06 15:54:00 UTC  

The idea that most people don't know of magic, it's kind of limiting the story to a certain group of people.

2021-03-06 15:55:27 UTC  

In my Grade 10 class, there was one girl, who said she was a witch or something and she was addicted to harry potter

2021-03-06 15:55:35 UTC  

she went full woke in her play/book

2021-03-06 15:55:41 UTC  

I made a joke about the trials in salem, have not spoken to her since. And before that, I called her insane because wizards and magic does not exist.

2021-03-06 15:57:42 UTC  

You made the right call calling that off. Crazy people tend to turn to magic first to justify their delusions of grandure.

2021-03-06 15:58:00 UTC  

yeah, I made the mistake of going along for a while

2021-03-06 15:58:37 UTC  

(as a joke)

2021-03-06 15:58:58 UTC  

We had an interesting talk once about if magic was real, should it be legal

2021-03-06 15:59:56 UTC  

And talked about harry potter often

2021-03-06 16:00:15 UTC  

She said **I** was insane since I said Draco made the right call

2021-03-06 16:03:02 UTC  

And to proove this is not something I made up, here is a pic of the staff

2021-03-06 16:03:16 UTC  

from the play

2021-03-06 16:03:31 UTC  


2021-03-06 16:03:48 UTC  

You know one of them is gay for the sake of SJW

2021-03-06 16:04:16 UTC  

They all look like those losers that become raiders in fallout

2021-03-06 16:04:33 UTC

2021-03-06 16:05:03 UTC  

But yeah, Hermionie is black, and so is their kid.