Message from @Bourbon in Gift Wrap

Discord ID: 804510542055079946

2021-01-29 00:34:32 UTC  

Everyone was fighting Russia. You didn't have to be Axis to be fighting Russia.

2021-01-29 00:34:39 UTC  

Finland proved that.

2021-01-29 00:34:47 UTC  

Fun Fact: Kesselring was the guy whos name would be used in the infamous Kessel Run from Star Wars

2021-01-29 00:34:50 UTC  

And fighting greece, China, and Canada.

2021-01-29 00:35:19 UTC  

What meaningful cooperation was there in those cases, Bourbon?

2021-01-29 00:35:54 UTC  

Germany fighting with Italians in Greece and the Japanese in China.

2021-01-29 00:35:54 UTC  

Hitler was a good leader in terms of charisma and lifting his people out of the depression, I am NOT saying he was a good person, but his people did technically elect him, so he did something to win them over. As a general, Hitler was an absolute buffoon

2021-01-29 00:36:05 UTC  

not completely

2021-01-29 00:36:17 UTC  

Like.... what? Which offensives did they plan together?

2021-01-29 00:36:27 UTC  

for example, his generals wanted to continue grinding on Moscow

2021-01-29 00:36:28 UTC  

He made some calls that a 12 year old could've done better

2021-01-29 00:36:29 UTC  

Germany fighting with Italians in Greece and the Japanese in China.

2021-01-29 00:36:31 UTC  

Which grand strategy did they formulate together?

2021-01-29 00:36:35 UTC  

Canada was just constantly weeding out their spys.

2021-01-29 00:36:49 UTC  

and he said no sit still and starve

2021-01-29 00:37:01 UTC  


2021-01-29 00:37:05 UTC  

Just because they weren't shooting at each other doesn't mean they were allies. It just means they weren't enemies.

2021-01-29 00:37:07 UTC  

no, that was Stalingrad, which was an entirely different can of beans

2021-01-29 00:37:18 UTC  

oh yeah my bad

2021-01-29 00:37:26 UTC  

still a stupid choice though

2021-01-29 00:37:40 UTC  

Financial and resource support.

2021-01-29 00:37:44 UTC  

Hitler ordered the 6th army south to take the southern oil fields he knew they needed to be able to maintain their Panzer Divisions

2021-01-29 00:37:44 UTC  

and Normandy was a complete flop

2021-01-29 00:38:13 UTC  

that was more due to the ingenious plan to fool the germans into thinking that they were landing in calais

2021-01-29 00:38:30 UTC  

So, technically, then the US was always fighting in WWII right from the start, Bourbon.

2021-01-29 00:38:39 UTC  

yeah the inflatable armies and stuff played a part in that right?

2021-01-29 00:38:42 UTC  

If that's what you consider an ally.

2021-01-29 00:38:45 UTC  

No because they were selling to both sides.

2021-01-29 00:38:49 UTC  

Not one side

2021-01-29 00:39:03 UTC  

no they were only sending supplies. not troops

2021-01-29 00:39:13 UTC  

Oh fr?

2021-01-29 00:39:19 UTC  

also fun fact, the Oil Fields Hitler wanted to take were the same Japan tried taking from Russia in the battle of Khalkin Gol in an earlier conflict

2021-01-29 00:39:20 UTC  

And there was no troop support

2021-01-29 00:39:46 UTC  

American Pilots participated along with Canadian pilots in the Battle of Britain

2021-01-29 00:39:53 UTC  

That was exactly it

2021-01-29 00:39:56 UTC  


2021-01-29 00:40:23 UTC  

They weren't sent by the US

2021-01-29 00:40:31 UTC  

They were volunteers

2021-01-29 00:40:33 UTC  

The Allies were actual allies. They coordinated. They worked together. Not so with the Axis.

2021-01-29 00:40:39 UTC  

That is a false equivalency.

2021-01-29 00:40:55 UTC  

still US pilots, just ones that chose to come early