Message from @Kreia's Disciple

Discord ID: 804509625461506058

2021-01-29 00:31:28 UTC  

that was annexation bcs of Britain and France selling out their smaller allies to slow down germany to give themselves time

2021-01-29 00:31:29 UTC  

There is a prominent historian who considers the idea of the World Wars as kind of a myth. He considers most of them to be seperate wars. Simply because the Axis said they were allied with each other doesn't really mean anything. There was never any meaningful cooperation between any of the Axis powers.

2021-01-29 00:31:51 UTC  

Yes there was

2021-01-29 00:31:58 UTC  

Mainly in fighting Russia

2021-01-29 00:32:04 UTC  

And Greece

2021-01-29 00:32:05 UTC  

Germany actually sent a couple of Tigers to Japan

2021-01-29 00:32:09 UTC  


2021-01-29 00:32:12 UTC  

they got sunk though

2021-01-29 00:32:18 UTC  

The middle east

2021-01-29 00:32:23 UTC  

It was a world war.

2021-01-29 00:32:28 UTC  

well Italy was with Germany, but Italy never was ablee to do much due to poor location I believe

2021-01-29 00:32:37 UTC  

that and poor leadership

2021-01-29 00:32:38 UTC  


2021-01-29 00:32:42 UTC  

Poor tactics

2021-01-29 00:32:54 UTC  

Japan was fighting on russia's rear end

2021-01-29 00:33:03 UTC  

so yeah they were all together

2021-01-29 00:33:03 UTC  

Italy could have taken Greece, but their commanders were more concerned with making the others look stupid rather then trying to take Greece

2021-01-29 00:33:21 UTC  

Mussolini was just a horrendous leader

2021-01-29 00:33:35 UTC  

So were his generals.

2021-01-29 00:33:41 UTC  

yeah lol

2021-01-29 00:34:01 UTC  

Bourbon, of course there was cooperation in fighting Russia.

2021-01-29 00:34:09 UTC  

I believe the phrase was, "winning a game of chess, against a man who only knew how to play checkers

2021-01-29 00:34:18 UTC  

at least until Kesselring got involved

2021-01-29 00:34:32 UTC  

Everyone was fighting Russia. You didn't have to be Axis to be fighting Russia.

2021-01-29 00:34:39 UTC  

Finland proved that.

2021-01-29 00:34:47 UTC  

Fun Fact: Kesselring was the guy whos name would be used in the infamous Kessel Run from Star Wars

2021-01-29 00:34:50 UTC  

And fighting greece, China, and Canada.

2021-01-29 00:35:19 UTC  

What meaningful cooperation was there in those cases, Bourbon?

2021-01-29 00:35:54 UTC  

Germany fighting with Italians in Greece and the Japanese in China.

2021-01-29 00:35:54 UTC  

Hitler was a good leader in terms of charisma and lifting his people out of the depression, I am NOT saying he was a good person, but his people did technically elect him, so he did something to win them over. As a general, Hitler was an absolute buffoon

2021-01-29 00:36:05 UTC  

not completely

2021-01-29 00:36:17 UTC  

Like.... what? Which offensives did they plan together?

2021-01-29 00:36:27 UTC  

for example, his generals wanted to continue grinding on Moscow

2021-01-29 00:36:28 UTC  

He made some calls that a 12 year old could've done better

2021-01-29 00:36:29 UTC  

Germany fighting with Italians in Greece and the Japanese in China.

2021-01-29 00:36:31 UTC  

Which grand strategy did they formulate together?

2021-01-29 00:36:35 UTC  

Canada was just constantly weeding out their spys.

2021-01-29 00:36:49 UTC  

and he said no sit still and starve

2021-01-29 00:37:01 UTC  


2021-01-29 00:37:05 UTC  

Just because they weren't shooting at each other doesn't mean they were allies. It just means they weren't enemies.

2021-01-29 00:37:07 UTC  

no, that was Stalingrad, which was an entirely different can of beans