Message from @ThiccSpicyGenderRevealParty

Discord ID: 817513531435647086

2021-03-04 23:10:38 UTC  

However, I would take the M240 Bravo any day.

2021-03-04 23:45:13 UTC  

not that the PKM doesnt do its job, its just that the M240 just does it better

2021-03-05 00:10:56 UTC  

PKM has a totally diffrent design than an AK

2021-03-05 00:11:11 UTC  

RPK is more like an AK

2021-03-05 00:32:48 UTC  

PKM is basically an MG-42 with looser tolerances, isn't it?

2021-03-05 00:50:10 UTC  

not as fast

2021-03-05 01:24:00 UTC  

Well, yes, but I'm talking about the internal mechanics of the thing.

2021-03-05 02:24:23 UTC  

@CyberSpacePirate RPK is light machine gun that is literally an AK-74 with an extended and heavier barrel and bipod, and extended banana magazine. The PKM is a General Purpose Machine Gun.

2021-03-05 02:28:11 UTC  

A lot of things from the AK, RPK, and PKM are similar, because the Russian Military basically took Kalashnikovs guns over any other company.

2021-03-05 02:28:14 UTC  

RPK is a heavy AKM

2021-03-05 02:29:05 UTC  

RPK is a General Purpose Machine Gun.

2021-03-05 02:29:09 UTC  


2021-03-05 02:29:13 UTC  

Not RPK.

2021-03-05 05:06:24 UTC  

RPK is not an AK74

2021-03-05 05:07:48 UTC  

RPKs are still chambered in 7.62 right?

2021-03-05 05:08:42 UTC  

There's two kinds of rpks

2021-03-05 07:15:07 UTC  

Classic RPK is 7.62x39, RPK74 is 5.45x39

2021-03-05 16:48:25 UTC  

so im doing some browsing for WH40k, and the article im reading is on the Siege of Vraks, and apparently the DKoK's method of gathering Battlefield intelligence is throwing infantry at Enemy lines, and simply marking down where more guardsmen are dying fastest

2021-03-05 21:02:35 UTC  

Seeems pretty b a s e d to me

2021-03-05 21:46:26 UTC  


2021-03-05 21:46:54 UTC  

the siege is also apparently supposed to draw similarities from the Battle of Verdun

2021-03-06 00:57:31 UTC  

If the confederate states came back as a military power, but not the same controversial laws they had, do you think they could beat the north.

2021-03-06 01:03:19 UTC  

hard to say, it would be extremely difficult for the North to beat the south this time around, as what helped the North win was finding a moral ground to stand on halfway through the war that they could reinforce with propaganda

2021-03-06 01:04:55 UTC  

the New CSA would have a major advantage tho

holding a large portion of the breadbasket of America

2021-03-06 01:06:03 UTC  

withholding resources to the North, would cause massive instability there and lead to critical errors done by the Norths military structure

2021-03-06 01:08:03 UTC  

South also has territorial advantage, thick forrests, swamps, mountainous terrain, would be the ingrediants you need for large scale guerrilla warfare

2021-03-06 01:10:21 UTC  

which would be able to offset the mass numbers the North would have

2021-03-06 01:12:46 UTC  

and the thing about the US military, it still has not adapted to Guerrilla warfare beyond mass number advances

2021-03-06 01:14:55 UTC  

guerrilla war won’t win a civil war in any acceptable amount of time

2021-03-06 01:15:15 UTC  

Americans just aren’t used to fighting in their own cities and towns like that

2021-03-06 01:15:37 UTC  

a New CSA would require a proper military

2021-03-06 01:16:08 UTC  

And also probably not be named the CSA

2021-03-06 01:16:37 UTC  

well this is a what if scenario, name of the New South doesnt matter all that much

2021-03-06 01:17:15 UTC  

for sure but a name would also matter in terms of a civil war

2021-03-06 01:17:53 UTC  

You will get practically zero support calling it the CSA

2021-03-06 01:18:03 UTC  

a name like Dixie would probably be better, as its currently still a nickname of the South and doesnt have the same conotations as CSA does

2021-03-06 01:18:41 UTC  

eh it definitely does for someone not from the south

2021-03-06 01:18:56 UTC  

Definitely correlated with the CSA

2021-03-06 01:19:28 UTC  

very little people that iv talked to who dont like in the South know of the connection between Dixie and CSA

2021-03-06 01:19:49 UTC  

Dixie area in Utah is controversial for outsiders

2021-03-06 01:20:10 UTC  

dixie state university and dixie technical college