Message from @Tim Briddle Corway

Discord ID: 817821578884022301

2021-03-06 06:03:51 UTC  

I disagree, I think we’ve seen enough of him politically to know he wants whoever is best at the job to also like him. Which let’s be honest, everyone mostly does there. We see China as messed up and corrupt but the leaders their do not. Makes China terrifying in a whole new way, it’s terrifying because that level of control isn’t supposed to be ok and possible. Almost brainwashing

2021-03-06 06:04:58 UTC  

The fact he can be so corrupt and yet be so loved by other officials in his government and a majority of his population is scary

2021-03-06 06:07:01 UTC  

Its because he's bringing them out of poverty.
The party officials love him because they realize with his leadership, their prospects are only going to get better.
The people love him because, for the first time, they can afford things like Iphones.

2021-03-06 06:07:07 UTC  

Also while committing genocide and WW2 style war crimes

2021-03-06 06:09:56 UTC  

I’m not denying that lol I’m saying it’s scary they all love him for these things all while he is also committing crimes and being so obviously corrupt. The efficiency of this corrupt machine... was reading some articles just today about ship production in China. In one year China has produced more ships than the US did the entirety of WW2. That’s unheard of for a peacetime nation. It’s crazy

2021-03-06 06:10:23 UTC  

No, I agree.

2021-03-06 06:11:32 UTC  

I wasn't saying you were wrong. And I think he tapped into something that the soviets missed. He tapped into giving people purpose. Real purpose.

And that purpose is serving their nation...*through him.*

2021-03-06 06:14:25 UTC  

Imagine, if you will, you were given proof that this leader would guarantee the Nuclear family 50's style dream. Husband has a job, wife gets to raise kids, you get to have relative freedom, so long as you serve Xi.

And if you don't....well now. Nobodies going to be hearing from you anymore.

2021-03-06 06:14:41 UTC  

I read it as reasons for the original comment, apologies. And agreed on what you said, I think Stalin is slapping himself for missing that. I know this isn’t the politics channel but hell if I didn’t think that’s what the dems are trying now.. for all the wrong reasons. How else do you get utter total compliance and control which is what they want

2021-03-06 06:18:21 UTC  

Clarify, leftists. I mean tactics like re-education, censorship, compliance or penalty, total servitude, and no self reliance.. all tactics also employed by the CCP

2021-03-06 06:22:53 UTC  

Except that the liberals here are far from where Xi's at. The liberals here are still in the stage where they have to break down the traditional family values.

China did that way back during the soviet era. Once they were gone, they've reintroduced them, and that's important because the Traditional Family Values are actually older than the isrealites, they've been recognized as far back as when people worshipped Marduk. Family values have a deep connection to human biology.

Men have a strong need to feel productive, to feel needed by their society, to be able to compete for a mate and for a wage. Females have an innate need to feel loved and accepted by those around them, and to care for a family.

The Communists got rid of those things. China has brought them back, but they're on a tight leash. You only get to follow your innate needs and desires if you allow yourself to be ruled by the CCP.

2021-03-06 06:24:44 UTC  

Oh for sure, agreed there too, hence why I said they were “trying” said tactics and just starting to implement. No where near a Chinese state of control, but I definitely think they are giving it a go.

2021-03-06 06:26:42 UTC  

I’ll have to find the article but like you said on traditional values, China is wanting to implement education programs to make sure males stay masculine and keep those values because they believe too many males in China have become “feminized”.

2021-03-06 06:27:32 UTC  

Meanwhile, we're at the stage where we're giving kids hormone blockers 🤦‍♂️

2021-03-06 06:29:14 UTC  

Where 3 year olds are allowed to make a choice on gender but not allowed to smoke or drink or vote. The logic in a lot of the “issues” the mainstream loves to say we face is non-existent. No common sense

2021-03-06 06:29:54 UTC  

Meanwhile enemies of the US laugh and build while we internally argue, China and Russia are loving watching our Media lately.

2021-03-06 06:31:27 UTC  

Alright, I need to start writing. It's been a good talk, Tarkin. I'm glad you engaged with me.

2021-03-06 06:32:04 UTC  

Like, I mean you had a real discussion with me, not just tried to argue for the sake of winning.

2021-03-06 06:34:24 UTC  

We need more of this in today’s time, actual discussions and debates. It was a lot of fun and I appreciate it as well, hope you have a great writing session. Hope to speak again sometime

2021-03-06 17:09:51 UTC  

2 Tu-95’s and 1 B-52 stratofortress

2021-03-06 18:10:58 UTC  

Love me some big military planes

2021-03-06 18:53:15 UTC  

What theatre of war would you rather serve as part of a bomber crew in WW2?

2021-03-06 18:53:22 UTC  

Europe? Or Pacific

2021-03-06 18:54:11 UTC  

I dont think i want to be flak fodder

2021-03-06 18:55:21 UTC  

Think of it this way, your way more likely to be shot down over Europe, but you’ll probably survive even if you end up in a POW camp

2021-03-06 18:55:44 UTC  

But if your in the Pacific, only 74 bombers were ever shot down over the course of the war

2021-03-06 18:55:52 UTC  

So you’ll probably be fine

2021-03-06 18:56:20 UTC  

But if you get shot down, your more likely to die in a pow camp

2021-03-06 18:56:26 UTC  

If you survive anyway

2021-03-06 19:12:44 UTC  


2021-03-06 19:22:13 UTC  

With that information, I'd risk the Pacific

2021-03-06 19:41:42 UTC  

Koolhoven F.K. 55

2021-03-06 19:41:54 UTC  

Mid 30’s fighter plane

2021-03-06 19:42:08 UTC  

Double propellor

2021-03-06 20:09:29 UTC  

counter-rotating propellers

2021-03-06 20:44:25 UTC  

Arclight strike 😋

2021-03-06 20:58:40 UTC  

Su 27 on display (photo taken by me)

2021-03-06 23:28:34 UTC  

oooh more military planes

2021-03-06 23:28:46 UTC  


2021-03-07 08:08:00 UTC

2021-03-07 14:47:07 UTC  

What’s the flight from MEPS to Reception Battalion like?