Message from @Serenity

Discord ID: 803864930394046464

2021-01-27 05:40:55 UTC  

id say there is 3
populist left
populist right
and establishment
you can say people want to be left alone but that isnt a real group they can hold these views and keep quiet.
its in history too ww2 and modern civil wars comes to mind

2021-01-27 05:41:23 UTC  

I think he did that at the same time he removed the Trump tax cuts

2021-01-27 05:43:51 UTC  

Those who wish to be left alone are their own faction. They have guns too, but they're not aligned with us. Narcos, Ancaps, that kind of thing? They don't believe in national pride. They think the whole idea of Nationalism and having a cultural identity as some sort of stupid joke.

2021-01-27 05:45:01 UTC  

If all of us got wiped out, I don't think they'd be sad.

2021-01-27 05:45:52 UTC  

They’re more like the drug addicted raiders from fallout

2021-01-27 05:47:54 UTC  

I was an Ancap for a long time. They're all about non-aggression. So they aint going to come hunting for you or your stuff. But they also don't believe in the idea of "Being an American."

It's either you believe in free trade and non-aggression, or you do not. There is no in-between.

2021-01-27 05:48:49 UTC  

establishment will concede to whatever is popular and within their interests.
populist left wants more for the people to sacrifice the state and in turn themselves by failing the rest
populist right wants to self govern and do whats right for them.
in my opinion the right has it more on spot with separate rules for different areas, but they want control like any other and will inact rules all the same that hurts different livelyhoods. there is no real one policy just self governance for each area for their needs. and if it fails people leave and it collapses. to be born again with a new idea. non-urban areas has it easier cus less restriction works.

2021-01-27 05:48:57 UTC  

I’m gonna go out on a limb and say they’re anti capitalists?

2021-01-27 05:49:21 UTC  


2021-01-27 05:49:31 UTC  


2021-01-27 05:49:46 UTC  

No, Ancap stands for "Anarcho-capitalist."

2021-01-27 05:49:53 UTC  


2021-01-27 05:49:53 UTC  

Ah I see

2021-01-27 05:50:32 UTC  

Doesn’t the anarcho part seem a little contradictory to the whole nonaggression thing?

2021-01-27 05:50:43 UTC  

So as long as you're not trading in people *anything* is on the table for sale. Sex, drugs whatever.

2021-01-27 05:50:48 UTC  

not all anarchists are non-agressive

2021-01-27 05:51:06 UTC  

but most who want a civilized society do

2021-01-27 05:51:16 UTC  


2021-01-27 05:51:48 UTC  

Anarchist simply means "Without Authority."

2021-01-27 05:52:11 UTC  

Broken down to its constitute latin.

2021-01-27 05:52:14 UTC  

yep, some can take that as no rules mad max it, and some say smoke weed and grow our own food

2021-01-27 05:52:47 UTC  

They seem like fun people to trade with

2021-01-27 05:52:59 UTC  

ever been to the almish?

2021-01-27 05:53:24 UTC  

You mean the Amish?

2021-01-27 05:53:37 UTC  

they are almost a anarchy. their own rules, their own ways of doing things, they still trade like any other

2021-01-27 05:54:00 UTC  

sorry if fast typing i learned a few days ago if you dont type fast you get beaten XD

2021-01-27 05:54:30 UTC  

It's an extreme sport, it is 🙂

2021-01-27 05:54:35 UTC  

yep lol

2021-01-27 05:54:50 UTC  

Fun fact: All amish have modern rifles.

2021-01-27 05:55:07 UTC  

#not all

2021-01-27 05:55:19 UTC  

Really? I know the ones here do.

2021-01-27 05:55:27 UTC  

i know i group i buy lumber from who make their own muskets XD

2021-01-27 05:56:01 UTC  

In which general area is “here”

2021-01-27 05:56:07 UTC  


2021-01-27 05:56:27 UTC  

Isn’t that where Tyler Zed is?

2021-01-27 05:56:34 UTC  

east kentucky i can drop a pin but i dont know off hand cus i rarely go there

2021-01-27 05:56:53 UTC  

Yeah, he actually posted some videos of an area I grew up near. Won't say where.

2021-01-27 05:56:59 UTC  

but ill say best lumber around worth the drive

2021-01-27 05:57:37 UTC  

Well, I won't say the video. I grew up in Stillwater.

2021-01-27 05:58:43 UTC  

Being in Cali, it’s kind of hard to prepare for a shit hit the fan scenario, because we don’t have basements, guns and ammunition are more scarce then the other states, especially now, and there are lots of idiots here

2021-01-27 05:59:38 UTC  

im sorry man