Message from @Kouang Tcheo Wan

Discord ID: 818346706349195284

2021-03-08 04:54:30 UTC  

To fuel the war with Russia

2021-03-08 04:54:50 UTC  

oil bomb

2021-03-08 04:55:16 UTC  

Japan might want to expand its influence

2021-03-08 04:55:30 UTC  

But that could risk tension with the US

2021-03-08 04:55:34 UTC  

nuke japan 10 more times

2021-03-08 04:55:38 UTC  

with le oil bomb

2021-03-08 04:55:43 UTC  


2021-03-08 04:55:49 UTC  

sink japan

2021-03-08 04:56:06 UTC  

You’ve seen “sink the Bismarck”

2021-03-08 04:56:11 UTC  

Now get ready for

2021-03-08 04:56:22 UTC  

“Sink japan entirely”

2021-03-08 04:56:32 UTC  

japanese trenches

2021-03-08 04:56:43 UTC  

japan gets nuked too hard

2021-03-08 04:56:48 UTC  

it becomes a gate to the underworld

2021-03-08 04:56:51 UTC  

But Japan is allies with the US

2021-03-08 04:57:03 UTC  

that wouldn’t make the US happy

2021-03-08 04:57:24 UTC  


2021-03-08 04:57:28 UTC  

usa will hate japan

2021-03-08 04:57:34 UTC  

if they try to conquer asia

2021-03-08 04:57:34 UTC  

Hang on my dog got lose

2021-03-08 04:57:38 UTC  


2021-03-08 04:57:41 UTC  


2021-03-08 04:57:54 UTC  

Talk to ya later battle man

2021-03-08 04:58:31 UTC  


2021-03-08 04:58:44 UTC  


2021-03-08 04:59:11 UTC  


2021-03-08 16:56:19 UTC  

I'm beginning to notice something. All of the standoffs with the government (Ruby Ridge, Ken Ballew raid, etc.) all seem to involve former soldiers having a standoff with the government. Is there a reason for that?

2021-03-08 16:56:49 UTC  

Also I fell into looking at that rabbit hole after trying to figure out what Waco was about.

2021-03-08 16:57:02 UTC  

The government doesn’t have the best track record when it comes to taking care of its veterans

2021-03-08 17:10:06 UTC  

I mean, just think of WWII as opposed to Vietnam.

2021-03-08 17:41:19 UTC  

most of american history is war tbh

2021-03-09 11:24:28 UTC

2021-03-09 11:35:18 UTC  

He shows footage of police breaking water bottles. What's important to remember is that ANTIFA will use water bottles, sometimes frozen, as projectiles to throw at police.

2021-03-09 15:57:54 UTC  


2021-03-09 22:44:11 UTC  

Thanks for posting, interesting stuff.

2021-03-10 00:36:34 UTC  

Bruh they're too busy jacking off to cartoon girls

2021-03-10 00:39:35 UTC  

It's sad that the nazis ruined a perfectly good peace symbol<:musk:739594018517942343>

2021-03-10 04:15:18 UTC  


2021-03-10 06:57:21 UTC  

Connor, I don't think as an american, we have a whole lot of room to talk.
Marvel is, at this very moment, wondering exactly how it can shoehorn a transgender Adeptas Sororitas into WH40k. Japan has rejected the woke horseshit out of hand. You can bitch about cartoon girls all you want, but they're not pushing for parents to cut off their kid's penises and start calling them girls.

2021-03-10 07:32:20 UTC  

Japan is traditional af