Message from @Emerald
Discord ID: 810651476736213032
Being a Marine Corps electrician is a great job you guys fix the shit that we screw up
Don’t do it corn pop
Only young stupid Marines play that game
I’m not old enough
Plus I’m a nerd
Thank God for that
@Sgt.Barkley I know, I'm proud of it but it's so frustrating that I haven't been to the range in 2 years (boot camp) and everyone else seems to be doing cool shit.
Well.. get BACK TO THE RANGE.. Feel the love again
Hopefully this summer my unit will go
I’ve never shot a gun
Not yet anyway
I’m gonna shot a 9mm pistol
I ain’t afraid
You shouldn’t be you should be excited
What if most nervous about is sound and recoil
OK got to go I’m actually cataloging all my ammo right now been working for three hours on it holy shit I had no idea I had this much ammo I have more ammo than gun stores
Cya in a bit
I’ve shoot are guns
Air guns
I have bad accerassy but decent persigtion
I think I can hit dinner plates at 100ft. With iron sights
I can do 33ft one handed with a rifle
National load your mags day
As an Ohioan, I am obligated to shit on everything hi point, good or bad.
What's red and hard and shaped like a brick and bad in every way?
A hi point painted red
I think there was a guy who ran a jewelry/watch store, involved in like five separate shootings because the local mob wouldn't leave him alone. He had 12 pistols stashed around his place so that he was never more than arms reach from a firearm.
Welp there are 3 jarheads here now in chat
In this military game the Browning HP is one of best pistols
There is a Glock 23, M9, Deagle, Mavorak, and some automatic pistol (not a Glock 18)