Message from @Sgt.Barkley
Discord ID: 810649628566355978
If it’s the only thing you have that’s one thing but a pistol or a pistol caliber carbine or shotgun is much much better
Government is best for a country but thats what we got
Look I’m trying to talk to you from pure experience this is what I know because I’ve shot tens of thousands of rounds out of A.R. 15’s they go right through walls and two by fours like butter
The only way you could stop at 5.56 or 223 in the house is if you hit a couple of big studs and if you’re shooting multiple rounds you’re not gonna hit them all the time
I live in country so I don't have to worry
i mean, AR15's can be chambered in a fuckload of different calibers
Yes I live in the country also so my A.R. 15’s will work because my nearest neighbors are about a half a mile away
You are arguing with children @Sgt.Barkley, don't waste your breathe and sanity
Someone here has a CWIS for home defense
Sure Zila you can get an AR 15 and 9 mm no problem there’s a fuck load of PCCs In many calibers and for the price and reliability factor that Highpoint carbine is actually a good choice
@Dickman yer right
90% of all you yahoos that get guns are not trained properly you buy guns and you shoot them every three months and you shoot probably 50 to 100 rounds that’s not training
@Sgt.Barkley what was your MOS, I'm in the Marines now as an 1141, electrician
It depends on if u live in city or not 556 coukd work if ur in cou8like me
Nice. Im old school just after Nam. 8541
City ppl probably shouldn't but alot do
*be the dude who has different caliber weapons hidden in very specific spots in the house for tactical advantage whenever someone breaks into your home so you are never at the fear of being defenseless when you can just bust a hole in your drywall to bring out a 12 Guage shotgun*
I went to the Hathcock and Capt Land Quantico school for snipers
I’m so glad they let me graduate from a DM and let me go into sniper training
When you’re in your 20s and 30s and you feel like a bad ass and your body is like atlas you feel invincible and going through that training was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done but also one of the most rewarding it made me such a great hunter when I was through and I was a good hunter already before I went in but doing the cover and concealment training and making our own Gilly suits and really learning superior rifle skills was just Amazing
I wish I was able to get that kind of training, but utility marines are stuck in engineering support roles and are pretty stuck in that field
Ive kept it for all these years
I joined the Marines to do something, not turn on generators all day
Ive kept it for all these years
Being a Marine Corps electrician is a great job you guys fix the shit that we screw up
Don’t do it corn pop
Only young stupid Marines play that game
I’m not old enough
Plus I’m a nerd
Thank God for that
@Sgt.Barkley I know, I'm proud of it but it's so frustrating that I haven't been to the range in 2 years (boot camp) and everyone else seems to be doing cool shit.
Well.. get BACK TO THE RANGE.. Feel the love again
Hopefully this summer my unit will go
I’ve never shot a gun