Message from @Mercy

Discord ID: 808109663945883699

2021-02-07 22:48:36 UTC  

do big words make you feel smart?

2021-02-07 22:48:49 UTC  

Good they shouldnt.

2021-02-07 22:48:59 UTC  

Smart people know how to say more using less.

2021-02-07 22:49:36 UTC  

Hey peak, you do like irony?

2021-02-07 22:49:55 UTC  

Do you support any kind of science that comes from churches?

2021-02-07 22:49:56 UTC  

"If you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't know it"

-Albert Einstein

2021-02-07 22:51:02 UTC  

So if the church invented something about the creation about how god made the world you would support it?

2021-02-07 22:51:26 UTC  

spoken like a true textbook

2021-02-07 22:52:08 UTC  

President Nelson of the church of Jesus Christ was a heart surgeon, praying to god while operating on Kimble, he was given revelation to a way to do heart surgery that we still use today.

2021-02-07 22:52:59 UTC  

Im just asking, would you support a scientific view churches had on a creationist view of how the world was made by god?

2021-02-07 22:53:48 UTC  

Wasn't it an 1 in an infinite chance for the earth to form? From start of the universe to now?

2021-02-07 22:54:15 UTC  


2021-02-07 22:54:30 UTC  

So your saying you would accept a creationist theory without solid proof of how god began the world?

2021-02-07 22:55:04 UTC  


2021-02-07 22:55:24 UTC  

Do you like irony Peak?

2021-02-07 22:55:43 UTC  

, wasn't it a 1 in an infinite chance for intelligent life on earth?

2021-02-07 22:57:39 UTC  

Good cause one was created by churches given money to scientists and asked them to use science to explain how the world began. The called it the big bang theory. It violates scientific principles like the laws the thermodynamics. And Guess what Peak! Evolution uses that to explain how the universe began!

2021-02-07 22:57:48 UTC  

Entropy, doesn't the universe exist in spite of that law?

2021-02-07 22:58:43 UTC  

Where everything would spread out, and form a normal soup?

2021-02-07 22:58:43 UTC  

It doesnt, they threw it out because the big bang is a big mess that even christians cant beleive.

2021-02-07 22:59:17 UTC  

Well if you cant explain how the begining started then your sure as heck not gonna be able to explain the rest!

2021-02-07 22:59:49 UTC  

I believe porn is bad

2021-02-07 22:59:58 UTC  

Where as evolutionists will believe anything their people say

2021-02-07 23:00:36 UTC  

I have a question for y'all

2021-02-07 23:00:45 UTC  

Yes what is it

2021-02-07 23:01:15 UTC  

Is saying "jews do like to make money" antisemitic?

2021-02-07 23:01:42 UTC  

Peak, tell me,without the part of the brain that detects sarcasm or satire? Cause I feel like Im messing your hair up with how much is going over your head.

2021-02-07 23:01:43 UTC  


2021-02-07 23:01:47 UTC  

Older Jews did, it isn't anti-Semitic in reference to those ones

2021-02-07 23:01:54 UTC  

Okay could you explain it to me a little

2021-02-07 23:01:58 UTC  

Do you like to have money?

2021-02-07 23:02:13 UTC  

Everyone likes to making money

2021-02-07 23:02:21 UTC  

Because I don't understand how

2021-02-07 23:03:28 UTC  

Jews only like make money is bad
Jews do like to make money is not bad

2021-02-07 23:03:28 UTC  

It is when you adopt their old theory but say religeous people will found their beleifs on no evidence.

2021-02-07 23:03:34 UTC  

But I didn't want to be negative

2021-02-07 23:03:59 UTC  

In an explosion, aren't most things spread mostly fairly? Wouldn't the laws of entropy and the expanding size of the universe prevent the particles from forming planets?

2021-02-07 23:05:46 UTC  

your a hypocrite Peak. That is what I am saying. The big bang, the scientific theory used and kept and also the beleif of evolution is an old theory the catholic church paid someone to come up with to make the begining of the world god created make sense.

2021-02-07 23:06:47 UTC  

The big bang violates the laws of thermo dynamics, physics and the only way it would work is some outside force started it, because an object at rest stays at rest.

2021-02-07 23:07:23 UTC  

OH please daddy instruct me harder

2021-02-07 23:07:26 UTC  

@Peak Centrism the "big bang" for evolution that No Mercy is referring to, is the "bang" where a lot of life spawned into being at roughly the same time, a bunch of unique life, which makes no sense.